Monday, December 20, 2004

Idaho Bound...

I'm taking a moment off from packing to type. My family is disappearing to Idaho for a week to celebrate christmas with my dad's side of the family. That means one aunt and uncle and a pair of grandparents. No cousins or other relatives on my dad's side, thats it. So it's not going to be a spectacular event this year, not that it ever is. The only thing I can really look forward to on this trip is the company and the scenery. Anyway... I won't be online for a week at least unless my uncle lets me get on his. I might be taking my dad's laptop so I can spend some time writing though. So happy holidays to all...i'll see you on the side.

PS - Have fun wandering around europe Daphne...wish I was there.

1 comment:

Andunneana said...

So, did you ever finish your novel?
I still want to read it when it is finished.