Monday, December 27, 2004

A Not So Great Christmas...

I'm back...and glad of it. Idaho was, how should I say it? Interesting? Thats not strong enough. Weird? Not good either. Dang annoying is probably better though I would use more potent words if I didn't want to be nice. My mood went sour about two days in to the trip and it still hasn't recovered. I locked myself in a windowless half bathroom for the better part of a day because my brother was being an idiot and my mom put her foot down and told me she'd call the cops if she got one more complaint from him about me, among various other things. I'm still not talking to her much but its getting better. But it kinda ruined the fun for the family. sigh... My grandfather got really harsh with me for the first time in my life and kicked me out of the bathroom when no one else could. It was just so shocking coming from him that I kinda just moved. It was our "white elephant" of the trip. There were other disappointments as well but I won't go into them.

There were a few good things though. The house was awesome, except that I couldn't find a quiet place to read whenever the tv was on cause it echoed throughout the house. It was on one of the east hills in boise and had one of the best views of the whole valley that you could ask for. And with clear skies almost the entire time we had some great sunsets and the night lights were impressive. Only snowed a bit the first morning we were there and it only stuck around for about an hour. But it was nice. My family got a new computer so now I have mine to myself. The only reason i'll use the new one is because it has a dvd burner. grr...wish I had one. It'll also be very nice to sleep in a real bed again because I was religated to the floor and a sleeping bag while there because there weren't enough beds. But my brother didn't get one either so that was ok. And I guess excepting the problems with tempers I enjoyed the time with my family. And joy of joys, I hardly heard any christmas music! I am so tired of the stuff!

PS - Hope you're having a fun time over there Daphne. Keep safe!

(Current music: "Never Surrender" from the Halo 2 Soundtrack)

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