Thursday, December 09, 2004

Kinda Pointless...

Its nearly nine in the morning and i'm already of the belief that my day is being wasted here at school. My first class of the day was english. It was a first draft review day which means that only half the class shows up and only half of those will have drafts to review. I've never brought in a draft for review and i'm never asked to read them so i'm about as needed in that class as a bump is on a log. Next comes computer class which is well and truely done. All the tests have been taken and i'm content with my grade. So I have an hour and a half to kill. Next is history...ah history. All we have left in that class is the final which is next week. I don't think he'll go into more notes today but i'll show up anyway just in case. How can I say no to history? Then I have another hour to kill before my final class which is political science. Today we turn in our final, which I spent all day yesterday working on, and we can ask her any question on the subject that we want to. She's kept her political leanings very well hidden so that's top on my list. But beyond that we're free to go. Then I go home and sit around for a while before going to my evening math class. I really don't know what to expect from that class even after nearly 2 months of it. So basically my day is building to the point where I hand in my test in PS and go home. Then it begins building again until math. Like I said, a wasted day. ; )

With school winding down and the holidays approaching i'm beginning to think about the new year. With so many things happening in my life this new year will actually be one to remember. It will mark the 1/3 way point through school and show me that I can go nearly three months without seeing my girlfriend. If we can survive this long without too much trouble I have faith that we can get through the rest of the school year. And as this will be my 20th new year I am planning to make it one to remember. No there will be no drinking or anything of that sort, but there will be trouble I assure you. I think i'll ambush a couple of people on the trail or have an all night halo party or something. And before you say it, yes thats what I consider trouble. I know it leaves much to be desired but its good enough for me.

And speaking of ambushing... i've had a fasination with sneaking for most of my life. I would sneak snacks when at my grandmothers, sneak up on friends at school, or sneak bad grades past my parents. But lately i've had a strong desire to go to the next level. I don't exactly know what that entails. I've been eyeing darker clothing and authentic ninja boots if thats any indication. No i'm not planing on robbing someone, just that I want to up my sneakiness level. Kinda sounds like i'm trying to get enough experience points in dnd no? Oh well, its all pointless anyway. ; )

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