Tuesday, December 14, 2004

*Enter Suitable Witty Comment Here...*

Dare I say it? The quarter...*glances around to see if anything nasty is sneaking up on him*... is over. No don't yell, I don't want the illusion to vanish. I want to enjoy this a little bit more. Tests are out of the way finally and nothing more can be turned in. I managed to get most of my stuff in, emphasis on most there. I really need to stop doing this to myself. I haven't had a normal end of quarter since I was in my freshman year of high school. I need to break this bad habit. Anyway. The car situation is, well, its better then I thought it would be but not by much. Of course I still don't know the full extent of whats going on but i've heard my parents making plans of sorts for a new car. I do know a bit more about what i'll be paying though. At least 250 for each car is coming out of my pocket and I will more then likely be paying the new increase in insurance for who knows how long. Other expenses are yet to be divulged but i'm sure they're out there. With this news comes thoughts about Japan. I've found that I want to go but not for the reasons I thought I did. At least I think thats what i'm thinking. I think i'm being greedy here. The desire remains but I don't want to go through the hastle of planning it all out and putting out the effort to get there. Plus there are expenses and other such things. I want to be there now, be experiencing it now, be living it now, not slaving away to get there months and months from now. Grr...i'm being stupid I know, and lazy too. I'm trying to look at it from another angle and evaluate why I want to go or if I want to go. Who knows, I could just stay here and continue with school. Perish the thought!

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