Sunday, December 05, 2004

Hanging On...

"Its almost over, its almost over, its almost over." I need to keep repeating that to myself otherwise I doubt i'll last through this next week. School is proving to be difficult and work is taking up alot of my free time that would be better used for school work. Also the remnants of sickness are still clinging to me and refusing to leave me be. So i'm hanging on...for the moment.

Now for some news from somewhere besides the battlefront. *pauses to think* You know, there is very little news beyond that. I have little time to play or do anything else constructive or interesting outside of the problem areas above. I miss the more care free days of youth already. When I could read for hours without risk to my grades or work. When I could go an entire weekend without touching my school books or even worrying about them. When sickness was greeted with joy because it meant a way to get away from school. But responsibility has crept up on me and clobbered me into submission. So much for youth. Course growing old is manditory, growing up is optional. ; )

Grr...cats are being stupid again. My cat, elvis, has claim to my bed at all times as far as i'm concerned. But our older family cat, the queen sheba, disagrees. She loves to jump up on the bed and scare my big boy away. It doesn't matter that he's twice the size of sheba and could easily whoop her if he wanted to, hes just too much of a weeine to stand up for himself. But now it seems that they've reached a comfortable balance. Sheba has taken the middle of the bed and Elvis is on one of the corners which is where he likes to sleep anyway. Lets just hope it lasts.

Now I must stop. The creatures in my stomach are growing increasingly angry that they haven't been fed yet this morning. So i'm off to make my peace with them at the breakfast table.

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