Monday, November 29, 2004

Not Cool...

Finals week is almost upon me, I have a mountain of things to do before the quarter ends and on top of all that homework I have my job. So what better way to greet the new week then with the flu?! I almost have no voice, i'm tired and ache all over, and I keep having to avoid sweets and instead replace them with pills. But hopefully things will resolve soon...if not my grades will most likely suffer.

Oh and did I mention? I put a dented my mom's van's back door when a suburban hit me. We were both trying to avoid some stupid kids who were walking in the middle of an apartment street. Needless to say the suburban got off with narry a nick. I on the other hand dented half of the door. It has trouble opening now. Looks like that birthday money's down the drain. *sigh*

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