Tuesday, November 09, 2004

The Stupidity...It CONTINUES!!!

I probably did one of the stupidest things I could have done on a Monday night just last night. I willingly stayed up standing in a line in an otherwise deserted mall waiting for Halo 2 to come out at midnight. I then proceeded to play said game until 2am before finally returning home and retiring to my bed for a grand total of four hours of sleep. (Anyone who knows me knows I can barely function if I have less then 6 or 7 hours of sleep) I have to get up at 6:30 every tuesday and thursday for school. Well I think you can guess how much I paid attention in classes. My first class was, oddly enouogh, English commosition and critical thinking...at 7:30! I then had a test in my computer class, slept through history, which is my favorite subject, and then spent the next hour cat napping in the library. Still feeling low I proceeded to find my final teacher before class and explained the situation. She eventually let me hand in my take home test, which was due today, and take the day off.

Now i'm back home and wondering if I should play some halo before I have to go to math at 6pm this evening. Hopefully by the end of this week i'll be so full of that game that i'll be able to concentrate again on what matters more. Considering I have no more classes this week due to Veteran's day and only eight or nine hours of work before the weekend I think i'll have ample time to indulge in some gaming.

1 comment:

Andunneana said...

Oh dear, not you too. Bad boy, you're supposed to be paying attention to school this year. Did you see Zach last weekend?