Friday, November 05, 2004

The Hangover...

With elections done and gone I am left with what I have to guess is something like a hangover. There are no longer any signs out on the streets, no advertisements on the tv, radio, or internet, and no people pushing their parties ideals on me or reminding me to vote anymore. Its been such a part of my life for the past three months that i'm having trouble adjusting to NOT having them in my life. I feel dazed and slightly out of whack with this sudden change. This proves yet again that the mass media has far too much control over our lives. If they can leave me feeling like this then i'd say they're a pretty strong influence even on someone who went out of his way to avoid watching tv and listening to the radio for the last month.

Now for something completely different... We've had an odd lull in the weather here. Fall usually signals the beginning of none stop rain here in oregon yet we have gone without now for two days and will probably continue on this trend for a further two. So without rain what is there? My answer...some of the most beautiful days i've ever seen here. The air has never been so crisp and clear. No clouds inhibit my view of the sky above. Yesterday I was riding my bike home from classes when I turned a corner and was confronted with an unobstructed view of my local mountain, Mt Hood. All ready it has a thick coat of white and the sight of it literally made me almost miss my turn. Of course the downside to this is that you cannot go outside for most of the day without at least two or three layers of clothing on. No clouds mean no way to keep the heat in so it has been impossibly cold. I woke up this morning to find the grass and roofs of my neighborhood were frostcovered! Needless to say riding my bike is becoming very difficult as my ears, fingers, and nose are going numb moments after I set off. And thats with beenie, gloves, and muffler on! Clouds of steam rise from my mouth in clouds so thick i might as well be smoking. I've walked past regular smoker groups at school and seen the clouds they emit but on closer inspection found not even a single cigarette among them. I wonder if they still think they're smoking...?

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