Monday, December 27, 2004

A Not So Great Christmas...

I'm back...and glad of it. Idaho was, how should I say it? Interesting? Thats not strong enough. Weird? Not good either. Dang annoying is probably better though I would use more potent words if I didn't want to be nice. My mood went sour about two days in to the trip and it still hasn't recovered. I locked myself in a windowless half bathroom for the better part of a day because my brother was being an idiot and my mom put her foot down and told me she'd call the cops if she got one more complaint from him about me, among various other things. I'm still not talking to her much but its getting better. But it kinda ruined the fun for the family. sigh... My grandfather got really harsh with me for the first time in my life and kicked me out of the bathroom when no one else could. It was just so shocking coming from him that I kinda just moved. It was our "white elephant" of the trip. There were other disappointments as well but I won't go into them.

There were a few good things though. The house was awesome, except that I couldn't find a quiet place to read whenever the tv was on cause it echoed throughout the house. It was on one of the east hills in boise and had one of the best views of the whole valley that you could ask for. And with clear skies almost the entire time we had some great sunsets and the night lights were impressive. Only snowed a bit the first morning we were there and it only stuck around for about an hour. But it was nice. My family got a new computer so now I have mine to myself. The only reason i'll use the new one is because it has a dvd burner. grr...wish I had one. It'll also be very nice to sleep in a real bed again because I was religated to the floor and a sleeping bag while there because there weren't enough beds. But my brother didn't get one either so that was ok. And I guess excepting the problems with tempers I enjoyed the time with my family. And joy of joys, I hardly heard any christmas music! I am so tired of the stuff!

PS - Hope you're having a fun time over there Daphne. Keep safe!

(Current music: "Never Surrender" from the Halo 2 Soundtrack)

Monday, December 20, 2004

Idaho Bound...

I'm taking a moment off from packing to type. My family is disappearing to Idaho for a week to celebrate christmas with my dad's side of the family. That means one aunt and uncle and a pair of grandparents. No cousins or other relatives on my dad's side, thats it. So it's not going to be a spectacular event this year, not that it ever is. The only thing I can really look forward to on this trip is the company and the scenery. Anyway... I won't be online for a week at least unless my uncle lets me get on his. I might be taking my dad's laptop so I can spend some time writing though. So happy holidays to all...i'll see you on the side.

PS - Have fun wandering around europe Daphne...wish I was there.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Across the Ocean part II...

"Laura Kissed Me"
Laura kissed me when we met,
jumping from the chair she sat in;
Time, you thief! who love to get
Sweets into you list, put that in:
Say I'm weary, say I'm sad,
Say that health and wealth have missed me,
Say I'm growing old, but add, -
Laura kissed me.
By: Leigh Hunt
(originally titled "Jenny Kissed Me")

Thursday, December 16, 2004


Just a quick update. I went downtown yesterday and got myself a spiffy new chinese kung fu type jacket. Black with roll up sleeves to show a bit of white. Frogged buttons and mandrin collar. Very nice. Just the perfect size for me. Its really spiffy ^^ I'll have to take a picture with me wearing it and get it online some how.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

*Enter Suitable Witty Comment Here...*

Dare I say it? The quarter...*glances around to see if anything nasty is sneaking up on him*... is over. No don't yell, I don't want the illusion to vanish. I want to enjoy this a little bit more. Tests are out of the way finally and nothing more can be turned in. I managed to get most of my stuff in, emphasis on most there. I really need to stop doing this to myself. I haven't had a normal end of quarter since I was in my freshman year of high school. I need to break this bad habit. Anyway. The car situation is, well, its better then I thought it would be but not by much. Of course I still don't know the full extent of whats going on but i've heard my parents making plans of sorts for a new car. I do know a bit more about what i'll be paying though. At least 250 for each car is coming out of my pocket and I will more then likely be paying the new increase in insurance for who knows how long. Other expenses are yet to be divulged but i'm sure they're out there. With this news comes thoughts about Japan. I've found that I want to go but not for the reasons I thought I did. At least I think thats what i'm thinking. I think i'm being greedy here. The desire remains but I don't want to go through the hastle of planning it all out and putting out the effort to get there. Plus there are expenses and other such things. I want to be there now, be experiencing it now, be living it now, not slaving away to get there months and months from now. Grr...i'm being stupid I know, and lazy too. I'm trying to look at it from another angle and evaluate why I want to go or if I want to go. Who knows, I could just stay here and continue with school. Perish the thought!

Friday, December 10, 2004


My life has just taken one of the worse turns ever. Almost one week after I had a suburban put a kingsize dent in the rear end of my mom's van, closing the rear loading door until further notice, I managed to rammed into a stopped car on a wet road with my the other family car. Almost no damage to the other car, which is nice, and no one hurt on either side, which is nice too, but our car? Lets just say that it has trouble turning, opening the drivers door, and going anything above 20 miles an hour. Its a 95 corolla thats seen better days and as far as i'm concerned its not worth the fix since my dad has a habit of taking bad care of any care that is labeled as his. One good thing though, the lady I hit as turning into her home and was very nice to me and I to her. We got to know each other in the time it took for my dad to walk from home to the accident(5 or so blocks) and everything worked out very smoothly on her end. Now I just have to face my parents and the insurance people. Right now i'm really wanting not to drive again for about another year. Take me off the insurance cause i'm hating everything there is to hate about cars and the capitalist extorters that are attached to it all. Screw it, i'm riding my bike, even though its winter, or taking the bus, even though I hate it. These, of course, are just initial feelings as this just happened not more then 45 minutes ago. We'll see how I feel a day or so from now when things have cooled down and the results are in. But i'm not holding out for anything good.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Kinda Pointless...

Its nearly nine in the morning and i'm already of the belief that my day is being wasted here at school. My first class of the day was english. It was a first draft review day which means that only half the class shows up and only half of those will have drafts to review. I've never brought in a draft for review and i'm never asked to read them so i'm about as needed in that class as a bump is on a log. Next comes computer class which is well and truely done. All the tests have been taken and i'm content with my grade. So I have an hour and a half to kill. Next is history...ah history. All we have left in that class is the final which is next week. I don't think he'll go into more notes today but i'll show up anyway just in case. How can I say no to history? Then I have another hour to kill before my final class which is political science. Today we turn in our final, which I spent all day yesterday working on, and we can ask her any question on the subject that we want to. She's kept her political leanings very well hidden so that's top on my list. But beyond that we're free to go. Then I go home and sit around for a while before going to my evening math class. I really don't know what to expect from that class even after nearly 2 months of it. So basically my day is building to the point where I hand in my test in PS and go home. Then it begins building again until math. Like I said, a wasted day. ; )

With school winding down and the holidays approaching i'm beginning to think about the new year. With so many things happening in my life this new year will actually be one to remember. It will mark the 1/3 way point through school and show me that I can go nearly three months without seeing my girlfriend. If we can survive this long without too much trouble I have faith that we can get through the rest of the school year. And as this will be my 20th new year I am planning to make it one to remember. No there will be no drinking or anything of that sort, but there will be trouble I assure you. I think i'll ambush a couple of people on the trail or have an all night halo party or something. And before you say it, yes thats what I consider trouble. I know it leaves much to be desired but its good enough for me.

And speaking of ambushing... i've had a fasination with sneaking for most of my life. I would sneak snacks when at my grandmothers, sneak up on friends at school, or sneak bad grades past my parents. But lately i've had a strong desire to go to the next level. I don't exactly know what that entails. I've been eyeing darker clothing and authentic ninja boots if thats any indication. No i'm not planing on robbing someone, just that I want to up my sneakiness level. Kinda sounds like i'm trying to get enough experience points in dnd no? Oh well, its all pointless anyway. ; )

Monday, December 06, 2004

To the girl across the ocean...

The night has a thousand eyes,
And the day but one;
Yet the light of the bright world dies
With the dying sun.
The mind has a thousand eyes,
And the heart but one;
Yet the light of a whole life dies,
When love is done.
By: Francis William Bourdillon

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Hanging On...

"Its almost over, its almost over, its almost over." I need to keep repeating that to myself otherwise I doubt i'll last through this next week. School is proving to be difficult and work is taking up alot of my free time that would be better used for school work. Also the remnants of sickness are still clinging to me and refusing to leave me be. So i'm hanging on...for the moment.

Now for some news from somewhere besides the battlefront. *pauses to think* You know, there is very little news beyond that. I have little time to play or do anything else constructive or interesting outside of the problem areas above. I miss the more care free days of youth already. When I could read for hours without risk to my grades or work. When I could go an entire weekend without touching my school books or even worrying about them. When sickness was greeted with joy because it meant a way to get away from school. But responsibility has crept up on me and clobbered me into submission. So much for youth. Course growing old is manditory, growing up is optional. ; )

Grr...cats are being stupid again. My cat, elvis, has claim to my bed at all times as far as i'm concerned. But our older family cat, the queen sheba, disagrees. She loves to jump up on the bed and scare my big boy away. It doesn't matter that he's twice the size of sheba and could easily whoop her if he wanted to, hes just too much of a weeine to stand up for himself. But now it seems that they've reached a comfortable balance. Sheba has taken the middle of the bed and Elvis is on one of the corners which is where he likes to sleep anyway. Lets just hope it lasts.

Now I must stop. The creatures in my stomach are growing increasingly angry that they haven't been fed yet this morning. So i'm off to make my peace with them at the breakfast table.