Monday, November 29, 2004

Not Cool...

Finals week is almost upon me, I have a mountain of things to do before the quarter ends and on top of all that homework I have my job. So what better way to greet the new week then with the flu?! I almost have no voice, i'm tired and ache all over, and I keep having to avoid sweets and instead replace them with pills. But hopefully things will resolve soon...if not my grades will most likely suffer.

Oh and did I mention? I put a dented my mom's van's back door when a suburban hit me. We were both trying to avoid some stupid kids who were walking in the middle of an apartment street. Needless to say the suburban got off with narry a nick. I on the other hand dented half of the door. It has trouble opening now. Looks like that birthday money's down the drain. *sigh*

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

But I don't want turkey...!

Its that time of year again...where we eat, and eat, and eat some more, until we're stuffed so full that no one, especially me, wants to look at roasted bird again for some time. Everything we eat here seems so bland now that i've gotten older yet I really don't want to add some unknown substance to my food to make it taste better. So i'm stuck eating the same bland stuff with, if i'm not away at college, the same people at the same location.

So what can I do to liven up my holiday menu? I've got a few ideas, mostly dealing with food nabbed from the chinese take out I work at. I could pour some firecracker chicken sauce or some honey teriaki sauce on the turket to liven it up. Instead of uber-heavy weight stuffing I could secretly stuff the insides of the bird with fried rice....or I could just bring some root beer to wash away the bland taste. *sigh*

A side note to any of you who bother to read my fanfiction. (I doubt there's more then one out there) I will update here shortly, probably during this break if I can spare the time between family, homework, work, and...turkey. I know its been a long time, probably something like 2 months, but blame that on school and work, not me.

Friday, November 19, 2004

20 Somthin...

*Waves little flags and grins stupidly* Well it's happened. I'm officially out of my teenage years. Course being a twenty something isn't much better. We're supposedly adults but we're pretty much ignored still. Twenty is a magic number. It's more improtant to me then twenty one. It signifies i've lived a fifth of a century, probably a third of my life! Time sure does fly.

So what do I get to do on my special day of days you ask. Well I go to work at noon if that's any indication. Not really all the special "event" wise as far as I can see. Kinda sad when the only people who are gonna celebrate with you is your immediate family. No cake, no ice cream, just dinner. So much for childhood. Now I have to get serious and grab life by the throat so I can begin slaving away for the riches i'll never get. Stupid capitalist system! Happy Birthday to i'm gonna go eat some pancakes and take a shower.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Not the Best of Starts...

So far this week hasn't been the best. I've missed assignments, gotten scolded at work for a supposed "attitude", gotten into a fight with my mom, etc. I won't keep listing them. Needless to say that I am having a bumber or a birthday week. Course everything could change by friday. Who knows? make up for these ugly spots i've buried myself in homework and fanfiction. It really helps to be able to read great fanfiction when i'm feeling a little low or between homework assignments, the same goes for a good anime episode or manga novel though i've got very few that I haven't already watched or read a million times before. A very few manage to retain their incredible appeal through the months and years. For example, I can dive into Tenchi Muyo the movie or SM and still get a warm feeling in my stomach and find a lightness in my chest afterwards. Course the same is true when i'm able to converse with my special someone. The fact that that person usually calls when i'm barely awake is a little bit of a problem but I find it to be one of their more indearing traits. And if that special someone is reading this I expect a wake up call on friday morning so I can start that special day right. *hint hint*

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

The Stupidity...It CONTINUES!!!

I probably did one of the stupidest things I could have done on a Monday night just last night. I willingly stayed up standing in a line in an otherwise deserted mall waiting for Halo 2 to come out at midnight. I then proceeded to play said game until 2am before finally returning home and retiring to my bed for a grand total of four hours of sleep. (Anyone who knows me knows I can barely function if I have less then 6 or 7 hours of sleep) I have to get up at 6:30 every tuesday and thursday for school. Well I think you can guess how much I paid attention in classes. My first class was, oddly enouogh, English commosition and critical 7:30! I then had a test in my computer class, slept through history, which is my favorite subject, and then spent the next hour cat napping in the library. Still feeling low I proceeded to find my final teacher before class and explained the situation. She eventually let me hand in my take home test, which was due today, and take the day off.

Now i'm back home and wondering if I should play some halo before I have to go to math at 6pm this evening. Hopefully by the end of this week i'll be so full of that game that i'll be able to concentrate again on what matters more. Considering I have no more classes this week due to Veteran's day and only eight or nine hours of work before the weekend I think i'll have ample time to indulge in some gaming.

Sunday, November 07, 2004


I have just seen some of the single most highly anticipated minute and forty seconds of film ever. The preview for Star Wars Episode Three has finally been shown. *Wait for it...let it sink in...ok. Now you can scream* For those of you frantically wondering where to see this you'll have to go take a gander at "The Incredibles" or spend thirty minutes desperately searching the net. I leave you now so I can go drool over every frame

Friday, November 05, 2004

The Hangover...

With elections done and gone I am left with what I have to guess is something like a hangover. There are no longer any signs out on the streets, no advertisements on the tv, radio, or internet, and no people pushing their parties ideals on me or reminding me to vote anymore. Its been such a part of my life for the past three months that i'm having trouble adjusting to NOT having them in my life. I feel dazed and slightly out of whack with this sudden change. This proves yet again that the mass media has far too much control over our lives. If they can leave me feeling like this then i'd say they're a pretty strong influence even on someone who went out of his way to avoid watching tv and listening to the radio for the last month.

Now for something completely different... We've had an odd lull in the weather here. Fall usually signals the beginning of none stop rain here in oregon yet we have gone without now for two days and will probably continue on this trend for a further two. So without rain what is there? My answer...some of the most beautiful days i've ever seen here. The air has never been so crisp and clear. No clouds inhibit my view of the sky above. Yesterday I was riding my bike home from classes when I turned a corner and was confronted with an unobstructed view of my local mountain, Mt Hood. All ready it has a thick coat of white and the sight of it literally made me almost miss my turn. Of course the downside to this is that you cannot go outside for most of the day without at least two or three layers of clothing on. No clouds mean no way to keep the heat in so it has been impossibly cold. I woke up this morning to find the grass and roofs of my neighborhood were frostcovered! Needless to say riding my bike is becoming very difficult as my ears, fingers, and nose are going numb moments after I set off. And thats with beenie, gloves, and muffler on! Clouds of steam rise from my mouth in clouds so thick i might as well be smoking. I've walked past regular smoker groups at school and seen the clouds they emit but on closer inspection found not even a single cigarette among them. I wonder if they still think they're smoking...?

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

The Big Night...

Argh...As I write Ohio is hovering at 93% complete. The waiting is getting really...annoying. I guess thats the only word for it. Yet again one state has managed to become the make or break prize. Its really sad. But which ever way it goes I can complain with authority...unlike any who chose not to vote. You don't participate you don't have the right to complain. Going to a community college really does bring in all sorts of interesting perspectives. Some of them quite scary. And since i've discovered i'm an ardent supporter of democratic socialism i've become somewhat detached from the whole big argument. After all, the greens aren't gonna win. More at a later date when everything has been decided...which probably means a week at the least.