Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Why Do I Do This...?

No really...why am I writing a blog no one reads? I've gotten 2, count em 2, comments in the last month. Thats par for the course pretty much for the entire time i've been doin this. Maybe i'm too used to reading other blogs and seeing whole bunches of comments. Of course the one i'm thinking of is co-written by 4 people and they're pretty much the only ones who write comments on their blog. But thats beside the point. Am I just doing this so I can grumble and talk to myself? I can do that without touching a keyboard dang it! Sigh... I want to know if people other than Daphne ever read this junk. Even she barely comments though.

I'm pathetic.

Edit - It has now been a year since I started this. Sept 04 to Sept 05. Wow.


Andunneana said...

You know, if you look closely, my comments drop off right about the time I got home and could actually talk to you regularly. I cannot talk to the smkrs regularly.

Fateduel said...

Aw, hey, I sincerely think you should be added to the list of contributers on smokezone but I am not webmaster/editor (not yet at least! Widge for '05!)
And also, I do come and read this blog from time to time and I expect that Rali does too because it is linked on her main site.
You should get a sitemeter account. It lists everyone who visits your site and shows you where they live (as in like where their connection is), how long they stayed, what referred them, etc. etc.
Try it out

Valakun said...

When I get numbers like the smkers i'll shut up. ;P Thanks both of you. And thanks for the idea about the counter duely.

Avi said...

Pshaw. I read your blog and comment on it - have you seen mine? It almost NEVER has comments on it. There is only one post I can think of that has a string of 12, and that's because I was having a conversation - via posts - with Rali. If you want long strings of replies, try replying back to our comments (like you just did) and see if you can't get your own "conversation" going. That's basically all the smk zn ones are, after all.

But I also think Rali should think about turning you into a smkr. Your comments are just as entertaining as ours, anyway...

Ralikat said...

To begin, Vala - you ought to be ashamed, writing a post purely to elicit our comments. But I suppose you aren't nearly as bad as Widge and his retarded rolecall entry *rolls eyes*. But anywho - I do read. In fact, I keep up with everything you write. I don't read everyday - but hey, you don't post everyday. But I do keep up with your updates -- I just don't always know what to comment. But rest assured, I am here and reading -- and will try to leave some form of intelligence slathered as comments ;)

And Widge - get stuffed! You know I am lord and goddess of smkzn as far as you are concerned! And need I say it again -- THERE WILL BE NO VOTING!!!

As for Vala's honoray smkmanship -- I'll review the application according to the schedule listed on smkzn ;D

Ralikat said...

Oh yeah, and PS. Convo-comments are really the only way to get like 21! comments on a single blog.

Really, what happens is either an entry has comments that lure its commentators into a horrid little conversation, such as this! *rolls eyes* OR an entry becomes so contraversial that each comment it aquires is not in fact a comment - but a post on its own. See Widge's blog for reference....(sighs) Dear heavens.

Valakun said...

Gah! Ok Ok! I didn't think all the smkrs read my stuff. I was under the impression 2 of you at the most read it. I have comparatively few friends who would bother checking anything I do on the net. And when you don't hear from some of those friends for a long time you begin to wonder.

As for the honorary smkr position...I appreciate the gesture but this is something the four of you made for yourselves. I'll just stick to being a frequent commenter. Thx though.