Thursday, August 04, 2005

Out of Left Field...

What do you do when your world takes a blow below the belt?
What do you say when someone says the unthinkable?
What do you think when thoughts unthought before pummel your mind?
Do you take the hit and keep walking?
Do you respond in kind?
Do you let logic take control?
Or do you fall to the ground?
Remain speachless?
Let chaos reign among your thoughts?
It can be difficult some times to roll with the punches life throws at you.
They can come out of left field.
Throw you for a loop.
Hit you in a blind spot.
Or you can see them coming a mile away and simply be unable to dodge them.
It takes strength of will,
Toughness of character,
Faith in your friends, relatives, and religion,
To pull you through some of them.
But sometimes that doesn't cut it.
Sometimes you fall and don't get up.
Your will broken,
toughness out toughed,
and faith a shattered memory.
The breaking point that all are capable of.
I have yet to see anyone reach that point.
I pray I never do.
I have yet to reach that point myself.
And I pray I never do.

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