Friday, January 14, 2005

Uninteresting Tidbits...(and a poem)

This week has been fairly dull unfortunatly. Aside from a large amount of emails from a certain someone and a rather nice 512mb Jumpdrive that my dad bought its been pretty dull this week. The new car is working nicely and none of my classes are giving serious trouble yet so there's really not much to talk about as far as events go. Sigh...There are days you just wish you hadn't gotten out of bed. This happens to be one of them.

It really is amazing how much a long anticipated email or letter can effect someone. How their words can bring back images and memories of faces unseen and laughs unheard for many a month. Filling in the holes in a patchwork image of a friend or lovers distant life. They are longed for, prayed for, and hoped for. And when they finally come there is an unmeasureable warmth that spreads through a person's body that can only be matched by waiting patiently for the next.

"There is no greater wonder than the way the
face of a young woman fits in a man's mind, and
stays there, and he could never tell you why, it
just seems it was the thing he wanted."
- Robert Louis Stevenson

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