Monday, January 24, 2005

Rock Anthem for Saving the World...

(Title has nothing to do with blog...its the song i'm listening to cause I couldn't think of a better title. ^^)

Beautiful day today. No clouds, sunny, not too cold... a perfect early spring day... but its not spring. Everything west of the Rocky Mts is in spring while the rest of the country's snowed in. At least thats what it seems like. Didn't get to enjoy alot of it though cause I had to work then go to school. The only contact I had with the sun was when I biked to and from work. Shrug.

You know what... I don't have anything to write about today. It's 10 pm and i'm bored. I should be doing homework but i'm not cause I can. Everyone else is asleep and i'm staring at a bright screen, plumbing the depths of the net as I do everyday. Pathetic...really pathetic.

Well at least i've got good music. (It's Halo)

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