Friday, January 07, 2005

Of Work and Upset Stomachs...

The week is over and I finally get to rest. And boy do I need it. Tae Kwon Do is gonna be EXTREME! I hurt all over from yesterday's class, and that was just from warm up and basics! I couldn't even finish training with everyone else cause I felt like I was gonna barf. What does that say about how fit I am? Argh!

Then there was work today and I had to ride my bike there in the rain and cold with aching muscles and slog through non-stop food orders and problems with the cashregister. And now I'm not sure if the stomach ache i'm sporting is a hold over from my workout yesterday or from some other malady. And then of course there's the fact that I haven't been getting enough sleep lately because school has upset my holiday sleep patterns and forced me to kick it back into high gear.

But thank God for weekends!

1 comment:

Andunneana said...

Dont worry, youll get it honey. Ask Ashley if she still has the book of forms and katas from when we took it. It will be a big help in your at home practise. Love you