Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The Return of...School!

Yes School has returned! Whether thats a good thing or a bad thing i'll leave up to you. This quarter is going to be very very interesting. I managed to lighten my load slightly by dropping cultural anthropology in favor of a one credit Tae Qwon Do(sp) PE class. Still, it comes out to a nice 14 credits. I go to a math on mon/wed night from 6-830. Tues/Thurs are the packed ones just like last quarter. I start the day off at 9 with PE then go to history. I take an hour break then hit English. Then I have like a three and a half hour break before geology. So basically i'm at school on tues/thurs from 9 to 830! I don't even get to go home even though its like less then 10 minutes via car to home. Since I don't have a car i'm stuck at school. The good thing is there's a movie theater across the street with all the latest movies out. And when school really gets rolling i'll just spend my time in the library doing homework. So it actually works out really well.

The only bad thing about the return of "school" is that my free time suffers. While I can get away with less of it without too much harm, its what it does to my writing that really sucks. One of my favorite past times is writing fanfiction and i've already fallen behind in updates. But now that school's started again i'm gonna be even farther behind. Who knows when i'll get the time?! My readers are already complaining. Added to that is the fact that my english class is centered around a single massive research paper. Its gonna take up alot of time just doing that! Argh! But it's for the best I guess.

Oh, one more thing. I'm almost finished reading an incredible book by the name of Shogun. If you have any interest at all in ancient Japan then its a definite must read. I drool just thinking about it. See...*droooooollllll*

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