Monday, January 31, 2005

Reality Sucks...

It is offical; Reality sucks! It's about as good as the gum you find stuck to the bottom of your shoes. There seems to be a universal law that applies to me now that I have started my life as a grown human being. Whenever something good happens in my life there will always be something bad nipping at its heals. For instance... Yesterday my mom and I had a discussion in which she suggested that I take Spring quarter off of school and visit England. We talked about it for hours and soon afterward I was online looking up things I would need to know for such a trip. I wasn't walking on air but it was close enough. Then, today, I got fired. Yeah thats right. I got let go because of one too many small mistakes. I get my last check on Wednesday and thats that.

So what now? Well I guess I pick myself up off my rear end, dust myself off, and go look for a new job. Considering how well my searches for jobs have gone in the past I doubt i'll have one for several weeks. Sigh.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Rock Anthem for Saving the World...

(Title has nothing to do with blog...its the song i'm listening to cause I couldn't think of a better title. ^^)

Beautiful day today. No clouds, sunny, not too cold... a perfect early spring day... but its not spring. Everything west of the Rocky Mts is in spring while the rest of the country's snowed in. At least thats what it seems like. Didn't get to enjoy alot of it though cause I had to work then go to school. The only contact I had with the sun was when I biked to and from work. Shrug.

You know what... I don't have anything to write about today. It's 10 pm and i'm bored. I should be doing homework but i'm not cause I can. Everyone else is asleep and i'm staring at a bright screen, plumbing the depths of the net as I do everyday. Pathetic...really pathetic.

Well at least i've got good music. (It's Halo)

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Addicting Past-times...

I finally know the thrill that is Massive Multiplayer Online games. People have been trying to get me into them for years and i've resisted for several reasons. They're too expensive, too time consuming, too addictive, etc. But remove one of those obsticals, namely price, and add a unique game idea and you've got me hooked. The game itself is a recreation of world war two naval warfare. Basically you have a ship and you join a room with lots of other people and have a big fight. Of course you start out with a midget ship with pathetic guns but as you advance in levels you're able to obtain better ships as well as choose a nation. There's so much detail! Now I loath having to leave my computer...but the fact that my job brings in money and i've already paid for school is keeping me relatively safe from being totally consumed. Still my parents are grumbling at me about it but they haven't done anything major lock down my computer. ; )

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Ice Ice Baby!...

Woohoo! The greater Portland area is iced in! I woke up this morning to find the roads covered, my windows encrusted, and the doors out of my house glued shut by ice. Then my dad presented me with the news that my work called and said they were going to close for today because of the weather. So I get a full day at home! No responsibility! Oh how I love snow and ice days... just wish this had been on a school day. I'll have time to play, to write, to do whatever! *Cackles evily at the thought*

Friday, January 14, 2005

Uninteresting Tidbits...(and a poem)

This week has been fairly dull unfortunatly. Aside from a large amount of emails from a certain someone and a rather nice 512mb Jumpdrive that my dad bought its been pretty dull this week. The new car is working nicely and none of my classes are giving serious trouble yet so there's really not much to talk about as far as events go. Sigh...There are days you just wish you hadn't gotten out of bed. This happens to be one of them.

It really is amazing how much a long anticipated email or letter can effect someone. How their words can bring back images and memories of faces unseen and laughs unheard for many a month. Filling in the holes in a patchwork image of a friend or lovers distant life. They are longed for, prayed for, and hoped for. And when they finally come there is an unmeasureable warmth that spreads through a person's body that can only be matched by waiting patiently for the next.

"There is no greater wonder than the way the
face of a young woman fits in a man's mind, and
stays there, and he could never tell you why, it
just seems it was the thing he wanted."
- Robert Louis Stevenson

Sunday, January 09, 2005

New Car...

Just a quick update here. Parents paid for a new car today. For the few people who actually know me you'll be interested to know that it's a camary, just like ash's car only newer. In fact i'm almost certain it's identical to ash's mom's new car. I'll have to compare notes when I see it up close next time. Course I won't be driving this new wonder car anytime soon because my parents don't trust me. ; ) Just kidding.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Of Work and Upset Stomachs...

The week is over and I finally get to rest. And boy do I need it. Tae Kwon Do is gonna be EXTREME! I hurt all over from yesterday's class, and that was just from warm up and basics! I couldn't even finish training with everyone else cause I felt like I was gonna barf. What does that say about how fit I am? Argh!

Then there was work today and I had to ride my bike there in the rain and cold with aching muscles and slog through non-stop food orders and problems with the cashregister. And now I'm not sure if the stomach ache i'm sporting is a hold over from my workout yesterday or from some other malady. And then of course there's the fact that I haven't been getting enough sleep lately because school has upset my holiday sleep patterns and forced me to kick it back into high gear.

But thank God for weekends!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The Return of...School!

Yes School has returned! Whether thats a good thing or a bad thing i'll leave up to you. This quarter is going to be very very interesting. I managed to lighten my load slightly by dropping cultural anthropology in favor of a one credit Tae Qwon Do(sp) PE class. Still, it comes out to a nice 14 credits. I go to a math on mon/wed night from 6-830. Tues/Thurs are the packed ones just like last quarter. I start the day off at 9 with PE then go to history. I take an hour break then hit English. Then I have like a three and a half hour break before geology. So basically i'm at school on tues/thurs from 9 to 830! I don't even get to go home even though its like less then 10 minutes via car to home. Since I don't have a car i'm stuck at school. The good thing is there's a movie theater across the street with all the latest movies out. And when school really gets rolling i'll just spend my time in the library doing homework. So it actually works out really well.

The only bad thing about the return of "school" is that my free time suffers. While I can get away with less of it without too much harm, its what it does to my writing that really sucks. One of my favorite past times is writing fanfiction and i've already fallen behind in updates. But now that school's started again i'm gonna be even farther behind. Who knows when i'll get the time?! My readers are already complaining. Added to that is the fact that my english class is centered around a single massive research paper. Its gonna take up alot of time just doing that! Argh! But it's for the best I guess.

Oh, one more thing. I'm almost finished reading an incredible book by the name of Shogun. If you have any interest at all in ancient Japan then its a definite must read. I drool just thinking about it. See...*droooooollllll*

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Saluting the New Year...

Rawr! Woot woot... and all that. A new year has begun and doesn't look much different then the last one. ;) I spent the whole night playing games and junk with my friends and then stumbled home at seven in the morning so I could get six hours of sleep. Oh yeah, I work at five too. I don't think i've laughed as hard as I did last night in a very long time. The fact that the whole lower part of my face was sore is proof enough. If its not i'm sure I could lift up my shirt and find some bruises from all the laughing.

So what's happening in this new year? I've got some rough outlines and lots of ideas and hopes but nothing really solid. I know i'll be starting school up again come monday and I know i'll be continuing to work but thats about all i'm certain of. Oh yeah, i've also got to start paying for those repairs and price hikes my accidents caused. But i'll try not to let that last one get me down. This is going to be an exciting year i'm sure. Its not gonna be just another scratch on the wall. Hope it won't be for any of you either.