Saturday, June 24, 2006

A Desire to Return...

For the Smkrs it's Newbold that holds the cherished memories. For me it's PUC. Despite my poor grades, roommate troubles, and general problems during that first year at college I cannot help but love it. I miss it. It was simple there. You worked, lived, and studied there. There was no need to leave the hill; No great desire to run away to the city or flee to the nearest mall. If the chance came then you sometimes went, otherwise it wasn't something that you needed. It was a true blue community where you spent Saturday sleeping in, going to church, eating with friends, then relaxing with friends.

I can't even count the number of times my dreams have turned their attention back to my freshmen year or the thought of returning there. I made some great friends there, some great memories. Laughing at the antics of the local dorm delinquents when the dead deer they'd stuffed in the neighboring guys dorm was found. Running to classes through a beautiful campus full of life and friendship. Working in the Cafe every other night and standing idly talking to the register operators. Making one of the closest circles of friends since the Harris brothers in Hawaii. Dorming with some of the weirdest guys on the planet and still managing to come out sane.

The pictures, the faces, the places. All so clear and vibrant. So strong that wistful tears can come unbidden to the eyes if they're dwelt on too long. Yet, so much like my desire to return to Hawaii, I know I shall never be able to return to PUC and love it as I did...enjoy it as I did. It will be left to memory and time till only a smile remains.

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