Friday, July 07, 2006

Pirates 1, Ninjas 0

Oh bugger. Here I went rooting for the ninjas, complete with ninja headband and martial arts practice in the parking lot while I waited, but the pirates managed to yank the carpet out from under the ninjas and take em by storm. PotC: Dead Man's Chest is a wonderful addition to the origional. I went in thinking it was just going to be a sequal, not the second movie in a trilogy. So by the time the two hour mark rolls up i'm beginning to wonder just how long this is planning to go. Then of course they pull a couple of annoyingly interesting cliffhangers (especially the last one) that left me with no doubt of a third. Its got great action, weird plot twists, comedy (oh there's lots of that to be sure), and a bunch of good ol Jack Sparrow action...Captain Jack Sparrow that is...Savy? It pulls alot of jokes from the first movie and makes lots of whole new jokes that only a fan of the first might get. Course the comedy was helped by the fact that we were in a completely packed theater that was about half filled with badly dressed pirate wannabes. You should have seen the girl a couple seats down from us. *shudder* Anyway...I won't go into specifics about it. Just know that it's a must see if you even just kinda enjoyed the first one. But beware the butt cramps, their like have not been seen since LotR.

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