Sunday, April 09, 2006 a Problem...

Does this mean God is a Socialist?
I didn't think they liked coffee...
I'm so confused.


Andunneana said...

It actually makes some sense. Marx believed that after capitalism we evolved to socialism and then to comunism. Not the failed version that died due to human imperfection but an idealistic one were all gave according to their ability and recieved according to their needs. (Hey, idiot who just said he needed a ferrari. You don't need it, you WANT it, learn some basic english.) This is the system communes are set up as and many people believe it to be impossible but many would also agree that one could argue that the systems God has set in order, when he did not have to deal with a fallen humanity, have similarities and due to a lack of specifics known they could have been set up in this way. By any means it seems to be a situation that he would aprove of if we could could actually pull it off.

Valakun said...

Ah yes but you miss my point dear heart. While I agree that God is probably in favor of socialism what I was really playing at here was the fact that socialists, being the sort that need things, not want things, would most likely find coffee too much of a want thing rather then a need thing and thus would put it aside. So if God is a socialist, and socialists shun coffee on principle because it isn't needed, then how can this be God's favorite coffee?!? ;)Course people could argue that they just can't live without coffee. But that's another topic.

Avi said...

Does anyone else find the label unutterably hilarious? You're all debating socialism but I'm just cracking up over the fact that there is a coffee brand CALLED Marxism. I mean, really! That sounds like Engrish to me. Incidentally, where did you find it?

Valakun said...

Oh its from alright. And yes I cracked up when I saw it. Its totally funny as hell. But I couldn't help myself and jumped at the socialist bit.