Sunday, March 26, 2006

Breaking for Spring

Finals are a memory, tests are a dream, and grades are a reality. Math went a little worse then expected but everything else went extremely well. As a reward for finishing the quarter I rewarded myself with a few new set booster boxes for the game I play. The newest expansion came out on friday and my buddy and I danced a happy jig when we opened our boxes. On top of that the rest of my family took off for the weekend and left me home alone. I would have gone too but I had work on last night. Then, just this morning, I got a call from work asking if I could come in and cashier for a couple hours. Officially I have six days off starting today but since I won't be going anywhere for a day or so I told em I could pop by for an hour or four. I'm also taking care of a couple of pets whose masters decided to up and leave them for a week in Turkey. Oh well, it earns me money and thanks, and both are always welcome.

Next quarter's shaping up to be rather interesting. I'm currently listed at 13 credit hours but we'll see what the parents think when they get back. I'll also be re-ordering my work hours to follow suit. I've got the ever present TKD again. Added to that are Intro to Fiction Writing, Intro to Mythology, General Phychology, and Elementry Logic. Sounds like a headache but i'm interested to see how it will all pan out, that is if my parents ok it since they're paying for it again...finally.


Avi said...

Is General Phychology like General Psychology only worse?....Actually, never mind. Elementary Logic sounds beyond scary. Is it as bad as it sounds?

Valakun said...

lol, yes the two are very similar, almost identical in fact. And ELogic sounds kinda like an ethics class. But I won't know for sure until I actually take the classes. Oh and i'll be up in Seattle on wednesday and thursday if you wanna meet up there. I'll get in contact with you one way or another.