Thursday, October 06, 2005

To Be Lazy Once Again...

That's about what I feel like after today. Get up early, hitch a ride to class so I can nearly kill myself working out and get the stuffing beaten out of me by other students (Tae Kwon Do), take the bus home, do chores, eat a quick dinner, rush to work, work to close doing parts of my job for the first time, and finally stumble home at 10:30 so I can do my best impression of a puddle of front of my computer. I really need to stop talkin bout work otherwise thats all my posts will become.

On the Fanfiction front...due to a certain traumatic experience a couple weeks ago I was put off writing while my mind tried to reboot. But now that the problem has been resolved I no longer have that excuse. Work and School, however, have easily taken up the load. Added to this I've hit something of a dry spell. I know where I want to go with my stories but I don't know how to fill in the small spaces at the moment. I've also had the recent problem of wanting to read more then write. But despite all this i'm gonna kick myself into gear and try to get something out for the sake of keeping people happy and appeasing my own desires. Look for something soon.

Current Music: One Night in Bangkok, Murray Head


Susanne said...

Nice blog, Vala.

Avi said...

Good Gosh, that's my theme poster! No, seriously. Ages ago my family decided that was my poster. I never did buy it, though...

Valakun said...

Yeah i could see that on your wall avi. lol

Avi said...
