Friday, October 28, 2005

Maybe not from Venus, but Still Pretty Weird...

Well its been a busy week and boy am I glad its over. Worked monday through friday, got rained on heavily tues and thurs night, had a midterm, and generally wore myself out. It is such a blessing to sit down and not worry about work tomorrow. I can rest, relax, and get a little more Neon Genesis Evangelion watching in. Got my second check today as well, its been what i've pushed my self towards this week. Anyway...

Saw a very interesting play on wednesday. I'm sure Daphne will write something about it so i'll simply say that it was cool. But one little thing I want to hit on was something that happened just before the play. Daphne and I were the first ones into the theater so we got to see everyone else come in. About 10 minutes before the show started a man and two ladies came in and sat directly behind us. The ladies were chatting like they were old friends but the guy kept quiet. I of course, being bored, listened in. Suddenly, in mid conversation one of the ladies turned to the guy and said "Oh, this is (insert name here), I met her in line for the bathroom." The man said hello to the new bathroom aquaintance and the ladies then continued to talk. I for one wanted to sputter and laugh. Met her in line for the bathroom and already talkin like that?! Wow. I was struck once again how differently men and women are wired. Guys try their best to ignore each other and not make eye contact in the bathroom for fear that someone might think they were 'checkin them out' or something. Girls on the other hand apparently talk freely and even make friends in the bathroom. Simply amazing.

1 comment:

Avi said...

Yep. Obviously we are comfortable with each other or something. But I have to say I'd REALLY have to have something in common with whoever it was... I don't really think I'd just chat animatedly with a random woman I met in the bathroom...