Thursday, October 20, 2005

Life's Proverbial "Hidden Level"...

Its always interesting to find a friend in someone you've 'known' for a while. The people you see every other day at school. The person that hangs out in the same group as you but that you've never taken the time to know. One such friendship has been cultivated over the past week. A guy a year or so older then me that plays magic the gathering in the campus center of my local community college that I attend has suddenly jumped into my rapidly growing circle of new game friends. I've known his name only for a couple of weeks now but before then i've known him for his constant wearing of german combat camo and his love of high detail military action figures, the kind that come with every little bit of gear possible. We got into several discussions on guns/tanks/planes/etc and soon discovered we could carry on a conversation about any military topic far longer then any other person was willing to. He's probably the only other guy my age that I know that can rattle off as much inane military history knowledge as I can and honestly, its hella fun. Granted this isn't the kind of friendship that extends outside of school or the occasional game shop but its really quite a find for me. Its like unlocking the hidden passage in a game that leads you to a whole new 'secret level'. Maybe not on that same intensity level but it sure has some of the same feeling.

1 comment:

Avi said...

Whoa, geek alert!

No, seriously, it's awesome...