Monday, October 03, 2005

Barely Worth the Update...

I head off to work again in about 20 minutes. 7 1/2 hours of work for me today. *shudder* That's almost more then what several of my friends get in one week. I already know my feet are gonna be hurting by the end of the day. I'm gonna be hungry too since I won't have any money to get dinner during my break. Gonna have to wait till next monday to get my first paycheck so i'm gonna have to pack a lunch till then. blarg...

Saw "Just Like Heaven" last night with Daphne. Oh yeah, I didn't say as much...but we're back together. A very confusing and painful affair but you've just gotta expect some speed bumps and potholes along the road of life. Anyway, the movie was pretty good. A little corny at times but i've also come to expect that from most chick flicks. Heheheh, but then you might be able to say that of some of the anime I watch. One thing's for sure, she's got leverage on me now since I was the one that suggested the movie. Oh well...gotta get dressed for work. I'm gonna get there early again, I just know it. But until I know the bus route and how long it takes me to get there i'm gonna leave early and just take a book to read if i'm early.


Anonymous said...

Tech View
Kiman Wong Questions, questions, always questions ... In our continuing effort to respond to reader mail, I'm going to answer more of the most popular questions that end up in my e-mail box.
Good day! You might care to check out my purebred dog breeding site. You'll find lots of stuff about purebred dog breeding there.

Andunneana said...

Honey, you might want to turn on the word verification under comment settings. That will keep spammers like the last two posts away. Glomp

Avi said...

Look, it's a non-spammer!

I am heartily glad you are back together. I was hoping such a thing would happen.

But you should have seen Serenity instead. Now THERE is a kick-ass movie.

And I thought MY job was too much!

Valakun said...

Serenity was the other choice. I'd promised another friend i'd go see it with him, since he was really into the show before it got cancelled, but he hasn't spoken of it for a while so i'm guessing its off. Doesn't mean I don't wanna see it though. I need to watch more of the show though. I just need to find the time. Glad to hear you liked it though