Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Why Do I Do This...?

No really...why am I writing a blog no one reads? I've gotten 2, count em 2, comments in the last month. Thats par for the course pretty much for the entire time i've been doin this. Maybe i'm too used to reading other blogs and seeing whole bunches of comments. Of course the one i'm thinking of is co-written by 4 people and they're pretty much the only ones who write comments on their blog. But thats beside the point. Am I just doing this so I can grumble and talk to myself? I can do that without touching a keyboard dang it! Sigh... I want to know if people other than Daphne ever read this junk. Even she barely comments though.

I'm pathetic.

Edit - It has now been a year since I started this. Sept 04 to Sept 05. Wow.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

A Salute to the Finest Generation...

I spent the better part of a my late morning and early afternoon taking in the sights and experiences offered just across the border in Washington state. This year marking the sixieth year since the end of World War Two and with August 14th just behind us, that being the day Japan surrendered and the offical end of the war world wide, the good state of Washington put on a great celebration to ring in this historic year. There were fly ins and fly byes of some great military aircraft. Multiple re-enacting groups representing various units from the time period showed up. Great bands and music. Vets from all nations. It was pretty good. Nothing like participating in the 50th back in Hawaii but still good for the Northwest.

So I thought i'd raise my hand in Salute today in honor of all the people who served their countries, on both sides, during those years. I respect you more then any other generation before or after you. Not just because I have a love for your history, but because you are unique. America has never come together like it did for you and probably never will again. You showed what we could do when we were totally dedicated to a cause. People may think we got tough after 9/11 but that was nothing compared to the steel you showed the world after Pearl Harbor. The same goes for our allies.

But my respect also extends to those who fought on the loosing side. Your dedication to your countries was iron clad in ways we can only dream of. I cannot bring myself to mark you all as wrong for simply following orders or protecting your countries. Only a select few earn the bad marks in my book where the axis are concerned.

I wish we had more people like you today. My heart goes out to all of you, living and dead. You truely are the finest generation!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Poetry From the Bored...

Thought i'd take a breather from studies and let loose my mind to wander the halls of pointlessness and idle thought.
It didn't take me very long to get bored with that so I decided to come here.
And I just realized I don't have anything to write about. And knowing some people's dislike for random dribble (glares at the smker group) I have decided to dig up my old thoughts and poety book and pull out a classic.
"Five hundred miles.
It is all a long distance.
but never too far.
Alright enough. I return to my work now. But from now on I will be including one item from "If I were an Evil Emperor" at the end of every post. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
If I were an Evil Emperor... #12. One of my advisors will be an average five-year-old child. Any flaws in my plan that he is able to spot will be corrected before implementation.
(stuck in a different poem because of the last one's length and overly religious nature. Thought i'd be more considerate for those of you who prefer not to read such things.)

Thursday, August 18, 2005

A.D.D.? Hell Yeah...!

Well its been suspected for a long time now on my parents part. Mom especially since she's had to read up alot on it because of my brother. But now its finally been confirmed. I have a mild form of ADD, or attention deficite disorder. Basically it means I tend to be unfocused on tasks I dislike and tend to procrastinate and put stuff off, which is what i've been doing now for who knows how long. My mom became suspicious when she had my bro tested for it. From what she read it sounded like it fit me more then it did my brother. So she got me tested back in 8th or 9th grade and it was decided that I came close but merely had a hard time concentrating. But now, because of my lack of job-ness, my parents sent me off to talk to the same guy again, a shrink I guess, and the topic came around to ADD again. So we tested out again and it came up about the same. But when I started talkin about my problems with him he began to say it was sounding more and more like I actually DID have it. So we're taking steps to work with it. I'm getting a planner, setting unbreakable rules, getting a coach to help me with keeping on track, and so on. I don't want to use this as an excuse. I want my to strangle my problems to death and then burry them six feet under. I'm gonna need alot of help too. For those of you who read my fanfiction it'll mean I probably won't be updating as much, not that I update regularly anyway. For my friends it means i'm gonna be calling on you to push me along and deneying me things if needs be such as game time, get togethers, etc. But only if I can't prove that i've been following my schedual and doing what needs to be done.

So there it is people. One of the big reasons behind why I am like I am. If you've ever wondered why I seem to rush through things I dislike, say shopping (winks at Daphne), well now you know. I'll try better. I just need your help keeping me on track and on focus otherwise i'll . . . hey look, a beach!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

OMG! Commando Squirrels Are Raiding My Strategic Cracker Reserves...

Hehehe . . . don't mind me people.
Go about your buisness.
Nothin to see here . . .
No you didn't see a squirrel with
a Squad Automatic Weapon just now.
No he's not taking all the food from the fridge.
*whisper* He doesn't like it when I talk about him.
err . . . I mean . . .
*bullets ripping into flesh noise*
hurk . . . bleh . . .

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Out of Left Field...

What do you do when your world takes a blow below the belt?
What do you say when someone says the unthinkable?
What do you think when thoughts unthought before pummel your mind?
Do you take the hit and keep walking?
Do you respond in kind?
Do you let logic take control?
Or do you fall to the ground?
Remain speachless?
Let chaos reign among your thoughts?
It can be difficult some times to roll with the punches life throws at you.
They can come out of left field.
Throw you for a loop.
Hit you in a blind spot.
Or you can see them coming a mile away and simply be unable to dodge them.
It takes strength of will,
Toughness of character,
Faith in your friends, relatives, and religion,
To pull you through some of them.
But sometimes that doesn't cut it.
Sometimes you fall and don't get up.
Your will broken,
toughness out toughed,
and faith a shattered memory.
The breaking point that all are capable of.
I have yet to see anyone reach that point.
I pray I never do.
I have yet to reach that point myself.
And I pray I never do.

Monday, August 01, 2005


I just had a major desire to revisit my England trip pictures. It came out of no where. I dropped my game and just went back and looked at them, trying to visualize where I was for each and connect with those places again. Traveling alone for the first time, in Europe no less, really was a blast. Master of my own destiny and all. But now, with several months between me and the trip, i'm beginning to see how much of a fool I was. I'm smacking myself now because of all the stupid mistakes I made and all the chances I missed out on to further my experience. Don't get me wrong, I did a hell of a lot of stuff over there and got into the best shape of my life because of it, but there was so much I missed because I didn't think I had the time or the money. The time thing was mostly true except for an occasional day of laziness, but the money thing kept me from doing many things I wanted to do...most of which was in London. But now I know better. I'll be ready for my next solo sojourn when it happens.

Thought i'd share a picture before I got back to what I was doing. This is a self portrait of me looking out over Portsmouth Harbor and Spithead in the early morning. I went everywhere with that beret and camo jacket. I got lots of stares in some places and almost none in others. Portsmouth was my first stop on my south/southwest coast sweeping tour while Daphne finished her finals. One of the better sections of my trip in fact.