Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The Blues

School sucks. Let me just get that out there. Life has really sped back up now that school is in the picture. Now if I could only get a job...

The blues have settled in on me over the past couple of days. For various reasons, some outside my control, things have been going sour lately. Homework, late school books, and other varied troubles have all added to the gloominess of the week. The plus side to it is that it gets my creative juices flowing. I tend to write better when i'm in these kinds of moods. Maybe it's just because I can tap into feelings better or something like that. Those of you who have followed any of my fanfiction online know this fairly well. I could even say I like these moods. It's nice to drop into one every now and then. They've tappered off in the last few years as i've gotten more friends and have increased my social life so I find i'm enjoying them more and more now that they're not as regular. Who would've guessed?

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - NP

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