Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Cloud 9...

"Good afternoon, this is the captain speaking from up on the flight deck. We've just leveled off at our crusing altitude of 10,000 blissful thoughts. Our flight time is currently unknown which really doesn't matter at this point. It looks like smooth sailing from here on out so kick back and enjoy the ride. If you look to your left you'll see cloud nine there below us with a beautiful red headed angel perched atop it. I think she's waving to us folks. Well that's the news from the flight deck, we'll be starting lunch here shortly. Please feel free to move about the cabin."

I won't go into details but sufice it to say love is in the air once again and the world is better for it. *Grin* Not even the constant rain my area is getting now can seriously get me down. Hmm...that reminds me. I need to get out there at some point when it's really pouring and dance a bit then take a hot shower. Don't want to get sick!

Oddly enough i'll be dressing as a fallen angel this halloween. Up until a day ago I thought it was perfect. I needed to try something new and I had peices of the costume already here because of another costume idea I was working on for cosplay. But now I don't know if I can pull it off. Fallen angels aren't supposed to be cheery and have little hearts floating around in the air above them. *snicker*

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Money Calculations...

With my fifth day of work done and my sixth tomorrow I've begun to become conscience of the monitary possiblities of this particular job. I have figured out that by the end of this sunday that I will have worked close to 40 hours since starting last friday and that I will make more then 300 dollars by next thursday when my first check is cut. Of course there's taxes to consider but all in all that will be the largest clump of change i've ever made from one check from anything, be it job or birthday. And i'm still in training! Once my three weeks of training are through I will be able to get tips like the regulars who make, on average, 8 more dollars a day just from customers being nice. When I worked sunday the four people who could get tips got 15 dollars extra in just two hours! I have, of course, dreamed of such things...but to actually have it happening when I don't have to worry about bills or other obligations, besides paying off a class I told my mom I would pay for at my local cc, is blowing my little mind. If things continue as they are within six weeks I can have over a thousand dollars saved up! Someone hit me now!

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Just Sittin

Its Saturday afternoon and I have very little to do, or at least that I really feel like doing. It's just one of those days where you're not sure if time has stopped or not. It would explain a lot if time had given up and taken a breather and had a mocca. Course if time did that I wouldn't like him much for a while cause his breath would reek of coffee which would be nice since I kinda hate time already as is. He never moves fast enough when I want him to and whenever I want him to slow down he just sticks his tongue out at me and goes faster. You know the drill.

Well I did finally get a job. I'm workin an asian take out downtown. It's pretty cool. The funny thing is that the next day I got a call from Costco asking if i'd like to be hired AND I got my last check from the place I worked last. Strange no?

Well i'm off to see if I can't make these next few hours stretch a bit. I'm not ready to go off to work yet. *grin*

Saturday, October 09, 2004

A Sweet Melody...

"Kiss me and smile for me,
tell me that you'll wait for me,
Hold me like you'll never let me go."
I've had this bit of John Denver rolling around in my head lately. It seems somehow fitting with my current situation. I'm not one to listen to "country" music so I, along with a good number of other people, consider Mr. Denver's works to be "Popular Folk" music, not country.
Weekend worries seem worse then weekday worries. Is it becuase weekends are supposed to be care free that worries hit you so hard? Or is it just because you're not so busy thinking about other things that they pounce on you? Who knows?

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The Blues

School sucks. Let me just get that out there. Life has really sped back up now that school is in the picture. Now if I could only get a job...

The blues have settled in on me over the past couple of days. For various reasons, some outside my control, things have been going sour lately. Homework, late school books, and other varied troubles have all added to the gloominess of the week. The plus side to it is that it gets my creative juices flowing. I tend to write better when i'm in these kinds of moods. Maybe it's just because I can tap into feelings better or something like that. Those of you who have followed any of my fanfiction online know this fairly well. I could even say I like these moods. It's nice to drop into one every now and then. They've tappered off in the last few years as i've gotten more friends and have increased my social life so I find i'm enjoying them more and more now that they're not as regular. Who would've guessed?

"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." - NP