Sunday, January 06, 2008

Thoughts on a New Year...

Well i'm a few days late for a New Years post but oh well. 2008 is looking like it's gonna be one hell of a year. School, Marriage, Travel, Moving, Elections, and a half dozen more to boot.

I'm sitting here back in my dorm room downtown getting ready for another quarter. I'm determined that this will be a better, more productive, quarter then the last one was. I'm serious about making this work. I've left my desktop computer at home because it causes too much distraction. I also ditched my CD collection and some novels but kept the DVDs for some reason. I've even got someone to help keep me on track; hopefully I won't need his help too much. I'm currently signed up for 16 credits but that may change in the next couple days. I'm gonna have a full plate this quarter and i'm dead set on making it work.

Marriage, as you know, is coming ever closer. Seven months now and i'm beginning to feel the preasure...and thats with Daphne gone! We've got half a dozen things that need doing soon; Ring adjustment, Couples counciling, Engagement photos, etc. I've left too much of the planning and organization to Daphne till now. I know she loves planning and all but i've not been as involved as I should be so with the new year i've decided to pull my weight. About time too. Travel and Moving really fall under the Marraige umbrella so i'll just add them to the 'to do before July' list.

I've begun thinking about what i'll be selling/giving/throwing away before the two of us move into our first home. I've caught myself looking at something and wondering where the hell i'd put something like that in our home. Stuff that is perfectly fine for an unmarried post-teen guy that doesn't need to worry about a spouse's thoughts on room and looks seems to be popping up everywhere I look. It's weird to see some of the things i've treasured for so long suddenly looking much less desireable in the light of marriage. Some of it i'll keep. Some will be put away for another generation of kids, like my lego collection. And a good chunk of stuff, most of which my parents confiscated months ago, is going to only be seen once more before it departs forever for parts unknown.

One more thing seems to be hanging over our heads now with the new year...Elections, and the media frenzy that comes with them, are upon us. I'm only barely paying attention to things and it already feels overwhelming. Of course that may be beacuse I watched alot of television over break but even so it feels more and more like it's impossible to escape the hype. I'll be glad when this initial stage is over and the main contestants have been decided. And no matter who gets the job in the end they'll have to be better then what we've had for the last 8 years. Or at least I hope they will be.

2007 wasn't a wonderful year. It had its moments but overall it wasn't worth much. This year is looking SO much better.


Andunneana said...

I worry about how much of the comments about some things seem concerned, depressed, or sarcastic.

Ralikat said...

Well, my friend, it sounds like you are making good headway from boy-man into man ;)

Interestingly enough, as you mention stuff, that's what we spent our New Year's Eve doing - getting rid of stuff. And now that its all home, I think more of both will have to go.

Sigh. And contemplations of moving are stressful. Especially when you are as clueless as I feel.

But I think 2008 is going to be, if not good, at least a year of adventure for us two down here. Changes, changes, changes. And it's about time, too.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I always knew you and Laura would get married, I just figured I wouldn't find out by surfing the internet.

Kinda sad that I won't be there...

But, I hope both of you have a wonderfull life and know that no matter what I will always love you both as christian brothers and sisters.

Valakun said...

Oh wait who's the Annonymas Coward? Gimmy a hint!

Anonymous said...

Oh c'mon Vala I'm sure you can figure it out... I'm bigger than a bread box and smaller then a water buffalo, or at least I am after I lost that 100 lbs...