Saturday, May 27, 2006

The X-treme Team Strikes Again!...

Ha! Now i've got something to talk about! X3 is out and in true nerdy fashion I went and saw it on the first day. I could have been a true nerd and gone to see it at midnight...but I didn't think of that. I just suffered a -2 to my nerd check. (ehem) I highly recommend it. Seeing the first two movies is a must, otherwise you won't get alot of the stuff unless you're a marvel freak geek.

(If you haven't seen the movie I don't suggest reading more. Major Spoilers incoming!!!)

The movie itself was great. Considering how much storyline they had to deal with from all the X-men stories and spinoffs I think they did a great job of mashing it down and making it into something that could be followed by the people who only saw the last two movies while still being relatively interesting for those of us who know a bit more about it then we should. I liked that they got rid of Cyclops early on. Granted he would have been a great asset in the final battle. I also like the fact that Mystic(sp) lost her mutant abilities before the battle. She was cool and all but she was a real witch(-w+b). I liked how she immediately went to spill her guts to the government. I liked the inclusion of Kitty Pride, AKA Shadowcat, and the use of the Fastball Special not once but twice. I liked Angel's little bit in the story including his father's rescue at the end. And then of course there was the Phoenix and the Professor. They did a great job of working Phoenix into the story and making her dual personality and troubled nature believeable. The Professor's death at her hands was hard to take but then, knowing the Marvel universe, no one really ever dies or looses their powers, they always come back some how. Magneto will get his powers back, Xavier will return, and everything will go back to square one in a way. There's alot more I could say but I think i'll stop there. Don't want to make myself look too nerdy. Gotta fit in at least a bit.


Avi said...

"I just suffered a -2 to my nerd check." - And again. Another -2 for just SAYING that.

Valakun said...

Yeah you're probably right Avi. At this rate I won't qualify for my lvl 5 nerd feats. Looks like a quest is in order. Gotta boost those stats back up.

Anonymous said...

And I feel that you must have had some negatives to your willpower as well.
The movie was okay, but at some point during X3 I'm sitting there going "What was Brett Ratner basing this off of? Not the Comics, not even the previous movies, Wait maybe it was based off the 1983 'Pryde of the X-Men' cartoon. But alas, not even that (I went home and watched it just to make sure).
And to top it off theres not to be X4, onstead we have at least 2 wolverine movies (arguably the best part of the X-Men films) in which they will butcher Wolverine's history like... well, the Canadian Government. Oh and we can't forget the possible Rogue movie. Where's the movies we all want to see? "Toad" or "Angel" (which would likely get millions of extra veiwers who were confused and thought it was Buffy related) or the movie we actually want: "X-Men 4"
X3 is a good film, but I wouldn't suggest to people they pay $10 plus $20 for popcorn to go see it.

Fateduel said...

Didn't you wait through the credits?
There's an extra scene with Xavier's girlfriend that assures that Professer Xavier is not forever gone.