Sunday, March 19, 2006

Don't Panic...

I've taken that wonderful phrase from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy to heart. I refuse to panic this year for finals. I will not run around like a chicken with its head cut off because i'm not ready for math. I won't be a worry wart because i've got to review six chapters of political science. And I certainly won't be pulling my hair out and screaming bloody murder because history facts are mixing themselves up in my head. I've already gotten through my TKD final without a fuss. Didn't panic for that. I won't let these others get to me either.

Nope, not gonna panic at all...

not at all...

nothin to see here folks...

this college student is just fine...

no stress here...

ok... well maybe a little. ^_-

Goodluck to all you fellow panic ridden students. You're not alone.

1 comment:

Andunneana said...

You'll do fine. Let me know if I can help you study or clear something up in math. Smooch