Sunday, March 26, 2006

Breaking for Spring

Finals are a memory, tests are a dream, and grades are a reality. Math went a little worse then expected but everything else went extremely well. As a reward for finishing the quarter I rewarded myself with a few new set booster boxes for the game I play. The newest expansion came out on friday and my buddy and I danced a happy jig when we opened our boxes. On top of that the rest of my family took off for the weekend and left me home alone. I would have gone too but I had work on last night. Then, just this morning, I got a call from work asking if I could come in and cashier for a couple hours. Officially I have six days off starting today but since I won't be going anywhere for a day or so I told em I could pop by for an hour or four. I'm also taking care of a couple of pets whose masters decided to up and leave them for a week in Turkey. Oh well, it earns me money and thanks, and both are always welcome.

Next quarter's shaping up to be rather interesting. I'm currently listed at 13 credit hours but we'll see what the parents think when they get back. I'll also be re-ordering my work hours to follow suit. I've got the ever present TKD again. Added to that are Intro to Fiction Writing, Intro to Mythology, General Phychology, and Elementry Logic. Sounds like a headache but i'm interested to see how it will all pan out, that is if my parents ok it since they're paying for it again...finally.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Don't Panic...

I've taken that wonderful phrase from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy to heart. I refuse to panic this year for finals. I will not run around like a chicken with its head cut off because i'm not ready for math. I won't be a worry wart because i've got to review six chapters of political science. And I certainly won't be pulling my hair out and screaming bloody murder because history facts are mixing themselves up in my head. I've already gotten through my TKD final without a fuss. Didn't panic for that. I won't let these others get to me either.

Nope, not gonna panic at all...

not at all...

nothin to see here folks...

this college student is just fine...

no stress here...

ok... well maybe a little. ^_-

Goodluck to all you fellow panic ridden students. You're not alone.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Bittersweet Dreams

I woke up this morning with a little ache in my heart this morning. I got caught up in one of those very special sort of dreams. The kind you wake up from and dearly wish you could go back and finish. Its the kind that leaves me hurting a bit because the story is so moving, the characters so real and heartfelt that I can't help but love them. And it was, at least for a dream, a very well sequenced and believeable story.
I started off as a young man, say 18. My good friends, who seem to be almost like my adopted family since I apparently didn't have any, have kids that range from my age down to seven. The oldest being a boy of my age, then another boy of about 9, and a young girl (who i took a liking to in that "older brother but not related" sort of way.) that was about 7. Anyway, earth goes to war with itself or someone else and the older boy and myself are forced into military service while the younger ones are sent away to help colonize another world. Years later, after the war and everything, the two of us go in search of the younger kids. We find them but, shockingly, they don't remember us. We were hoping for a tearful reunion but instead have to settle for introductions. Heck, they don't even see the similarities in their older brother or recognize the names. Anyway, the youngest boy is now busy helping start a large vineyard. The girl on the other hand is now a beautiful young lady, the kind people usually term heartbreakers I think. Anyway, I begin to get to know her again while at the same time I try to subtly jog her memory. There are flashes of time where I go back in time to moments we shared together and then i'm back in the present and I try to use those flashes to stir a memory. I even manage to return from one of these flashes with a scarf she gave me on a cold day. Then, when I feel like i'm finally making a little bit of progress on her I wake up and cannot for the life of me return to the dream. I sat there in bed for the longest time just thinking about it. I know portions have faded away. It was even more interesting, that I know. For some reason those sorts of stories hit me kinda hard. Their bittersweet taste leaves an ache in my chest that leaves me wanting.