Saturday, December 31, 2005

Contemplating Bringing in a New Year...

Just a quick note on bringing in the new year. I hope you all are gonna be having much more fun than I am tonight. *looks pointedly at Rali and Wudge* At least you'll have someone to entertain yourselves with. Even Avi, i'm sure, will have more fun then I will. Heck, even my England bound Daphne will probably get more of a kick out of the pass of one year to the new then I will. I'll be working tonight making sure all those silly people who actually want to shop tonight will have carts and a clean store to play in. True I get off at 11pm but what can you do when all that's left to do is go back home and wait for the new year to jump you in the darkness? I'm not even gonna bother looking at a bar. I don't want to venture into one of those without at least a couple friends and my one attempt at spirits wasn't a great success. I could try and rouse my only remaining friend in the neighborhood, Washu, but I doubt she'd want to do anything. She's not been the most social as of late which I can understand due to holiday work hours. So what to do then? Make some more headway on my fanfics? I'm sure my fans would like that. Read? Done too much of that lately. Play a new years practical joke on someone? Again not without friends or someone good to prank. Maybe i'll go digging under my bed and find something I could sort or toy with. Oh well. Happy New Year to all of you. May this next year bring you what you most need, be it joy, peace, or whatever. Cheers!


Avi said...

Urgh, working. I feel bad for you! And I SUPPOSE I may have had more fun than you since I wasn't working, but my New Year's celebration was hella boring. I stayed at home and read while the entire rest of my family went to different parties I didn't get invited to, and then when Anni came back with two friends we watched Castle in the Sky for lack of anything better to do. Then we drank Martinelli's at midnight and I watched Anni's friends being all cuddly and couply until I got fed up and then I came back to my other sister's room and typed up a very boring comment on my friend's blog.

Andunneana said...

Do not be so glum. I do not even know when I actually passed into the new year or if I was even present for the passing of the year. Jumping time zones will mess with you. Hope work wasn't to bad, glomp.

Valakun said...

It was a strange scene I walked in on when I arrived at home last night. The whole family was gathered around the tv watching, of all things, Constantine. You know the one. Angels, demons, humans stuck in the middle. That constantine. I settled down to watch it as well and, being the only one to have seen it before, got to clear up alot of the weirdness for everyone else. The movie ended with about 3 minutes left till midnight. We popped some poppers, watched a bit of coverage from times square, then went off to our rooms. Thats it. Work was very slow and empty which was a blessing. Glad to hear you got there alright Daphne. *counterglomp*

Avi said...

Wow, Vala, yours sounded amazingly like mine... movie, brief celebration, bed.