Friday, October 28, 2005

Maybe not from Venus, but Still Pretty Weird...

Well its been a busy week and boy am I glad its over. Worked monday through friday, got rained on heavily tues and thurs night, had a midterm, and generally wore myself out. It is such a blessing to sit down and not worry about work tomorrow. I can rest, relax, and get a little more Neon Genesis Evangelion watching in. Got my second check today as well, its been what i've pushed my self towards this week. Anyway...

Saw a very interesting play on wednesday. I'm sure Daphne will write something about it so i'll simply say that it was cool. But one little thing I want to hit on was something that happened just before the play. Daphne and I were the first ones into the theater so we got to see everyone else come in. About 10 minutes before the show started a man and two ladies came in and sat directly behind us. The ladies were chatting like they were old friends but the guy kept quiet. I of course, being bored, listened in. Suddenly, in mid conversation one of the ladies turned to the guy and said "Oh, this is (insert name here), I met her in line for the bathroom." The man said hello to the new bathroom aquaintance and the ladies then continued to talk. I for one wanted to sputter and laugh. Met her in line for the bathroom and already talkin like that?! Wow. I was struck once again how differently men and women are wired. Guys try their best to ignore each other and not make eye contact in the bathroom for fear that someone might think they were 'checkin them out' or something. Girls on the other hand apparently talk freely and even make friends in the bathroom. Simply amazing.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Life's Proverbial "Hidden Level"...

Its always interesting to find a friend in someone you've 'known' for a while. The people you see every other day at school. The person that hangs out in the same group as you but that you've never taken the time to know. One such friendship has been cultivated over the past week. A guy a year or so older then me that plays magic the gathering in the campus center of my local community college that I attend has suddenly jumped into my rapidly growing circle of new game friends. I've known his name only for a couple of weeks now but before then i've known him for his constant wearing of german combat camo and his love of high detail military action figures, the kind that come with every little bit of gear possible. We got into several discussions on guns/tanks/planes/etc and soon discovered we could carry on a conversation about any military topic far longer then any other person was willing to. He's probably the only other guy my age that I know that can rattle off as much inane military history knowledge as I can and honestly, its hella fun. Granted this isn't the kind of friendship that extends outside of school or the occasional game shop but its really quite a find for me. Its like unlocking the hidden passage in a game that leads you to a whole new 'secret level'. Maybe not on that same intensity level but it sure has some of the same feeling.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

See This Look? It's Called Pain...

I have to be a glutton for punishment. Got the snot beat out of me in TKD again today. Thursdays are the day we do full contact sparring. Now I didn't join this class to learn how to fight as a sport, I joined for the physical and mental concentration that comes from learning your forms and staying in shape. Unfortunately for me the class is geared to prepare you for the twice a year tournys that they have here in oregon. They don't expect you to go but they prep you more for that then for self defense etc. Anyway...went up against the 2 highest belts in the class outside of the teacher and 2 of the top ten in the class. They left me with blisters, faint bruises, and a limp that still hasn't faded away. But it was a learning experience for me. Now I know to possition myself better in line so I can avoid the higher belts.

Should be getting my first paycheck tomorrow. After three weeks of work I really need a reminder of why i'm doing this. Over 300 dollars in my pocket will help remind me very well. It can't come soon enough. Yet it seems to already be burning a hole in my pocket. I've begun noticing more things that I think/feel I need. Most of them are just plain out stupid and won't get past the 'i wish' point but there are a few that need some more consideration. I intend to keep a tighter reign on my money now that i'll be pulling in more then i've ever gotten from one job.

The rain has returned to the Northwest after a very long dry summer. I've really missed the wet and dark. Gives me more of a reason to stay indoors. Plus it feeds that bit of melancholy and keeps it from getting out of hand. The comforters have appeared on beds, heavier clothing has pushed the light summer wear out of the way in my closet, and biking to work has begun to look less and less inviting. Thus my families increased interest in getting me a car. We're looking at several early to mid 90s hondas. I must admit that the idea of getting one is really getting to me now that there's actually a very real chance for one. Now every time I have to take the bus or use my bike when its cold or wet I end up telling myself that car can't come soon enough. Hopefully I won't have to wait much longer. Wonder what i'll name it...

Thursday, October 06, 2005

To Be Lazy Once Again...

That's about what I feel like after today. Get up early, hitch a ride to class so I can nearly kill myself working out and get the stuffing beaten out of me by other students (Tae Kwon Do), take the bus home, do chores, eat a quick dinner, rush to work, work to close doing parts of my job for the first time, and finally stumble home at 10:30 so I can do my best impression of a puddle of front of my computer. I really need to stop talkin bout work otherwise thats all my posts will become.

On the Fanfiction front...due to a certain traumatic experience a couple weeks ago I was put off writing while my mind tried to reboot. But now that the problem has been resolved I no longer have that excuse. Work and School, however, have easily taken up the load. Added to this I've hit something of a dry spell. I know where I want to go with my stories but I don't know how to fill in the small spaces at the moment. I've also had the recent problem of wanting to read more then write. But despite all this i'm gonna kick myself into gear and try to get something out for the sake of keeping people happy and appeasing my own desires. Look for something soon.

Current Music: One Night in Bangkok, Murray Head

Monday, October 03, 2005

Barely Worth the Update...

I head off to work again in about 20 minutes. 7 1/2 hours of work for me today. *shudder* That's almost more then what several of my friends get in one week. I already know my feet are gonna be hurting by the end of the day. I'm gonna be hungry too since I won't have any money to get dinner during my break. Gonna have to wait till next monday to get my first paycheck so i'm gonna have to pack a lunch till then. blarg...

Saw "Just Like Heaven" last night with Daphne. Oh yeah, I didn't say as much...but we're back together. A very confusing and painful affair but you've just gotta expect some speed bumps and potholes along the road of life. Anyway, the movie was pretty good. A little corny at times but i've also come to expect that from most chick flicks. Heheheh, but then you might be able to say that of some of the anime I watch. One thing's for sure, she's got leverage on me now since I was the one that suggested the movie. Oh well...gotta get dressed for work. I'm gonna get there early again, I just know it. But until I know the bus route and how long it takes me to get there i'm gonna leave early and just take a book to read if i'm early.