Monday, February 23, 2009

Thoughts on Being Evil

An open letter to my players,

As we discussed the other night... Now that you're moderately familiar with game play we as a group can take our games a step or two further. Using the same world we would be creating new characters at level six for an evil campaign that takes place around the same time as our original campaign. An evil campaign seems to be just the sort of thing this group would get a kick out of...especially you Rali. Not only are you able to bend or break the rules of society even more then before but you're able to do all of the whacky things only people of loose morals can do. Someone tick you off? Sure...stab him in the back. Wanna seduce your way up to the local lord and then kill him after learning all his secrets? Go right ahead sexy. Wanna turn a tavern full of drunk people into a raging mob and have them storm the local guard tower so you can slip in during the chaos to steal some top secret documents? Feel free...they're only mindless sheep anyway.

And since we're interested in doing that why not make it even more fun by having you create Gestalt characters? I've mentioned the idea before but you've probably forgotten. To reacquaint you with the idea go to, scroll down to the variant rules section and click on the "classes" link, then pan right and down to the small "Gestalt" section. Basically its two characters in one body that take the best of both classes.

Now i'll go over ideas for each of your characters based on what you've shown an interest in so far and on what I think you'd enjoy.

Widge: You took an interest in the Bard class...specifically the scary "Harbinger" alternate class. You want to demoralize your foes with scary music and emo poetry(with perhaps a bit of dancing thrown in as well) while still being able to fight decently and cast some cool spells.

Suggestion: A Death Touched (undead somewhere in your family tree which gives you nice charisma bonuses) Harbinger combined with a Hexblade (a fighter which curses his opponents in combat and has a very small spell selection). This gives you all of the class features for both. You get a d10 hit die instead of the Bard's d6 which means more hit points. You get better attack power, two relatively small spell lists, all simple and martial weapons, and good saves all around.

Rali: You want to put together your first character's resurrected one way love interest. Warlock was your initial interest.

Suggestion: A Human (since your druid is human) Fire Blooded (A template that turns your character into a charismatic leader type) Warlock/Paladin or Warlock/Cleric. He was a relatively good guy before his death and resurrection correct? My image of him is that of a courageous Paladin or Cleric. Then he died and was resurrected and turned evil correct? Going evil would completely change his Paladin or Cleric class and turn it evil. I also imagine the warlock would be added on by your evil god after his resurrection to give him additional power and mark him as that god's property. This gives you the Warlock's evil power feel in addition to the corrupted good guy look. You'd be a powerhouse and damage dealer and pretty scary to boot. Limited spell/power options but interesting and flavorful.

Daphne: You really like your charismatic rogue seductress so you would be the person changed the least.

Suggestion: A Changeling (someone who can morph their body to look like any race around your size) Fire Blooded (see Rali's character) Rogue/Beguiler or Swashbuckler/Beguiler. The Rogue you know. Beguiler is like a spellcasting rogue that deals mainly with illusions and enchantments. Bend people to your will or confuse the heck out of them. I suggest Swashbuckler since you seem to like that dashing type and because they have the "Seduction" class feature that I told you about a while back. You're moderately tough, can screw with people's minds, steal all you want, and be dead sexy at the same time.

All of these are suggestions. Feel free to comment on them or ask me questions. They are by no means set in stone. When we get together again we can work on it further. I just needed to let you know which direction I was leaning in for your characters.

1 comment:

Ralikat said...

This is pretty brilliant for my character. Actually, pretty much spot on. I was thinking that he was - yes, a noble fighter who died honorably in his original life. Upon resurrection, however, he loses his honor and therefore begins the turn to evil. He went through a stage of lawful neutral, in which he was mostly just out to follow the laws for the sake of following the laws, while seeing what he could get out of this new "life" he had. He quickly realized that the only way to get anything, he was far better off doing evil than anything else. Thus, just from default of being under Erythnul's control - he turns lawful evil, which is where we find him now. Basically doing evil because he is under loyalty of evil - and also because it benefits him more than not doing evil. I love the idea of the Gestalt characters, and it fits with him so perfectly.

And clearly, Ki wouldn't be able to do this as she is trying to get away from Erythnul as opposed to going along with him in all his "glory".

So, others - what think you?