Tuesday, January 13, 2009


These are only a few of my personal favorites. And since little sis gave us 175 in total I think i'll just stick to the ones that are actually good or funny.

Ok so that last one is neither good nor funny. Well ok a little funny but only because of Ande. Something about each picture I'm in here, aside from the group shot, makes me want to avoid pictures for all eternity. Or at least any time i'm forced into a kilt. Have I told you how evil you are Avi? No? You're evil. There...i've said it.


Avi said...

Well yes, of course I'm evil!

But kilts are very manly. Any man who wears a kilt is very brave and masculine, yes! *nods encouragingly*

Also, awesome pics! I may have to steal a few.

Valakun said...


Manly? Brave? Masculine? I can kinda understand the brave bit. It does take some serious willpower to run around in a man skirt. And even more if you're going to do it properly. But still...

Oh and we'll try to get you copies of all of them. But it may have to wait till you come down to visit.

Avi said...

Anyway, I hope you don't mind if I yoinked some of the ones you posted here to show my role-playing friends. I especially love the one of Butter and me looking so ashamed...it was probably right after we realized we jumped the gun on the kiss. Hehe.

Ralikat said...

But men used to wear skirts all the time, and not just Scottish men, either.

Stupid gender roles and stereotypes that demand we consider pieces of clothing "masculine" and "feminine". Why can't a person simply wear the sorts of things that look good on them.

On that note, Widge is totally hot in both a skirt and tight bell-bottoms. He stole a pair of my trousers that were far too big - they look amazing!

Avi said...

I remember when Widge and Mark wore their respective girlfriends' coats in England that one time. That was...odd. Because they fit and looked weirdly ok.

See, Vala? Reh agrees with me!

Valakun said...

My problem with the kilts were that I didn't have much time to adjust to the idea of having to wear one before I had to. Also that we threw it together at the last moment with not enough fabric and, in my opinion, a bad color combo and pattern.

I wouldn't have been nearly as unhappy about it if we'd been better prepared and gotten good looking fabric. And yes I know everyone else liked them.

Ande really likes the idea of me in a kilt and since i'm not thrilled about them I have decided I have to oppose her. I have told her the only way she'll get me to wear a kilt again is if she got me a utilakilt or got me my grandmother's tartan for a greatkilt...neither of which is cheap.

And i'm not opposed to switching up normally gendered clothing but not on a regular basis. As a fun night out or a joke yes...not as something permanently added to my wardrobe.

Ralikat said...

That's such a shame.

It would be so grand if you wore kilts and grew your hair out and wore lots of jewelry...

Wait, no. Then you'd just look like Widge ;P

Valakun said...

Kilt, jewelry, and long hair huh? Yeah I suppose I would look alot like Widge. A taller sexier non-tattooed version of Widge. Sounds like a good idea.
What the hell am I thinking!?! Hell no! HAHAHAHA...

Ralikat said...

But the tattooedness rocks! How can you be a PDXer without one!