Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Post Vegas Post...

Even now i'm still not sure if what I drank there has completely left my system. My first time getting drunk and it had to be in Vegas.

The trip was pretty good. Early delays at the airport caused us to get onto the strip later then expected but once we'd settled down It was pretty much non stop from there. Had a great birthday dinner for Washu at the Rainforest Cafe in the MGM then played some slots back at the Luxor. Next day we started off with a dip in the pool, eating, and taking a poker lesson. Washu and I managed to come away with more then we went in with. Daphne, on the other hand, ended up borrowing from us and still loosing. I'll take a quote from Capt Jack and twist it a bit when next we play. "Hide the chips." After that we set off up the strip to see the sights and search out the elusive half off show tickets. The girls were determined to see one but, in the end, we never saw one. So instead we went back to our room and made a drinking game out of a card game i'd introduced the girls to called Three Dragon Ante. Really fun but kinda difficult to draw out if the winner of each round HAS to take a shot. Needless to say none of us went to bed that night anywhere close to sober. Well, I was the closest but even I felt bad the next morning so... Our last day was spent playing games in a massive underground arcade and then shuffling off to the airport where, I am sorry to say, the magic ended prematurely when the girls got into a fight over a card game. Washu split for her flight shortly afterward. I'm sure it left a bad taste in everyone's mouth that had nothing to do with the stuff we'd had the night before.

Over all it was a fun trip and a good introduction to Vegas for the two who hadn't been before. (Daphne and I) I'm sure i'll probably return at some point in the future. Just don't know when. Certainly not any time soon.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Off to Vegas...

The girls and I (that being Daphne and Washu) are headed off to Las Vegas tomorrow for two nights of shows, gambling, eating, pools, gambling, a bit of drinking, and...of course...gambling. Hmm. Can't tell whats on my mind can you? This will be my first time in the City of Sin and I do hope it lives up to all the stories i've heard. Course some of that comes from seeing bits of CSI: Vegas...not exactly the best motivator for fun. So while we're down there cooking (112 degrees last I checked) just keep us in mind and send us all your good luck! I'll write up about it when I come back, with my wallet slightly more full I hope.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Pirates 1, Ninjas 0

Oh bugger. Here I went rooting for the ninjas, complete with ninja headband and martial arts practice in the parking lot while I waited, but the pirates managed to yank the carpet out from under the ninjas and take em by storm. PotC: Dead Man's Chest is a wonderful addition to the origional. I went in thinking it was just going to be a sequal, not the second movie in a trilogy. So by the time the two hour mark rolls up i'm beginning to wonder just how long this is planning to go. Then of course they pull a couple of annoyingly interesting cliffhangers (especially the last one) that left me with no doubt of a third. Its got great action, weird plot twists, comedy (oh there's lots of that to be sure), and a bunch of good ol Jack Sparrow action...Captain Jack Sparrow that is...Savy? It pulls alot of jokes from the first movie and makes lots of whole new jokes that only a fan of the first might get. Course the comedy was helped by the fact that we were in a completely packed theater that was about half filled with badly dressed pirate wannabes. You should have seen the girl a couple seats down from us. *shudder* Anyway...I won't go into specifics about it. Just know that it's a must see if you even just kinda enjoyed the first one. But beware the butt cramps, their like have not been seen since LotR.