Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Ultimate Showdown...

Ok, if you haven't seen this--> then you are truely missing out on one of the internet's wonders. Oh i'm sure you've seen things like "Badgers" and "End of the World" before, but this...this is truely a work of art. Not only is there superb artwork *snicker* but there's the fact that these guys came up with the song on their own. I've practically memorized the thing myself and let me tell you, there are some good tongue twisters in there. The sheer amount of time, rhymeing, knowledge of cheezy characters, and mind altering drugs(i'm guessing on the last one) is insane. Give it a look. I doubt you'll come away from it not humming the tune or finding that you've got one of the lines stuck in your head.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Kender Adventures...

I recovered a lost part of my childhood this past week; and in a place I wouldn't have ever thought to look. Backwoods adventures were a forgotten joy long lost when I left Hawaii. But surprise! I found them the backwoods of my college's campus, in what my friends call Kender Adventures.

For those of you unfamiliar with dnd style fantasy settings a Kender is much like a hobbit from Lord of the Rings. They are about half a normal human's height but unlike hobbits and their kin these little fellas never really seem to grow up. Even the oldest and most learned of these halflings are as rambunctious(sp?) as children. They also have a disturbing tendancy of "finding" shiny things, much like a raven or small rodent. It doesn't matter if these things are on the ground or in your pocket, they'll somehow make their way into their pockets and you'll be left wondering where your watchbob or penny purse went. They don't always mean it either, sometimes their hands just kinda nab things.

Thus, a group of us have taken to exploring the forests and creekbeds of the college between classes and often coming home with the most surprising things to show off. It's gotten so popular with our group that we've taken to...gasp! LARPing!?! Ah yes, the dreaded LARP group. I am happy to announce that I have been named the parties Ranger due to my previous experience and they have even given me a name, Otter, for my rather graceful dip in a creek the other day. It wasn't something I meant to do and my pants, shoes, and socks ended up totally soaked. The spot is now called Otter's Dip in honor of yours truely. We shadow nature classes for fun and have created our own little hideout next to Otter's Dip. Surprisingly I am the oldest in the group, the majority of them being around 19.

I feel like i've regained a bit more "kid". *Eye twinkle*

Sunday, April 09, 2006 a Problem...

Does this mean God is a Socialist?
I didn't think they liked coffee...
I'm so confused.