Saturday, January 07, 2006

Travel Travel Travel...

Initially I started this post off with two full paragraphs, with more on the way I might add, about missing my girlfriend. But after the second paragraph I began to feel silly. I still miss her and all but putting it in writing, again and to much length I might add, seems un-needed. Daphne knows I miss her. And if she's not convinced she'll learn very quickly when she gets back.

So, leaving it at that, I decided to scrub the first draft and start on something new. It came back to my attention this afternoon as my family sat down to eat lunch, together amazingly enough, that I had a free round trip airfare anywhere Alaska Airline flew to use before summer. I acquired said ticket by being bumped some time ago coming back from california. Having just come back from England and California at that point I wasn't much interested in travel but today I found that the idea of travelling had reasserted itself in my mind, probably due to "D's" current absense.

After a quick check on where Alaska flew I decided I would have to make a choice. I already know I want to travel alone, much like I did in England, and bum it in backpacking hotels or some such place. (unless someone's willing to put up with my travel pace)My three options are Boston, New York City, and DC, all other cities being uninteresting or impractical for travel purposes. I have been to each of them before but yearn to go back still. I know even DC has more to offer then what i've seen. The best thing about those three cities is that they have the public transportation I need to get around seeing as I can't rent a car yet. (I did think of coming out and visiting Wudge in Chicago but dismissed it. Unless of course you can convince me otherwise my dear friend.)

Granted the ideas are still in the most basic of planning stages but I'm sure more will come as time wears on. I'm pretty sure i'll end up going during spring break or something but beyond that there isn't much to tell. Just happy thoughts and ideas. Anyway, enough yakin for now. Classes start this coming monday and I'm looking forward to getting back into action. Cheers.


Anonymous said...

So how will I know "quickly" that you've missed me?
And of course I would like you at the airport, assuming you are not working.

Valakun said...

You will know post haste becuase you shall recieve, free of charge, Vala's (tm) Girlfriend Glomp among other wonderful prizes. ;)