Sunday, January 22, 2006

To Skate, Perchance to...Fall?

I really should rollerblade more often. I'm not as bad as I always thought I was, yesterday proved it. My church had a social meet at the local roller rink and I pulled my girlfriend along for the ride. We had a grand old time, weaving between slower people, chasing each other. I found myself moving to the music as best I could and making a complete ass out of myself I'm sure. Daphne got mildly high on the cotton candy I got for her too. And no falling, not once! It really was a very enjoyable couple of hours. I highly recommend the joy that comes from skating hand in hand with someone you love. Worth every penny.


Avi said...

You people with your significaant others... Bah...

Fateduel said...

Blegh, skating?
I can't ever keep my balance and when I manage for a little while I tense up because then I expect that I'm going to fall which doesn't let me respond quickly enough or smoothly enough to movement and then I do fall.
And if I can get over that I tend to realise that there are a lot of people at skating rinks who could be watching me and laughing the entire time.
That kinda ruins it right there for me.

Andunneana said...

You know that is bull Widge, you did just fine in Bracknell. We simply must get you out again.