Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Dude, Where's my Ice Skates...?

Ever tried directing 25 shopping carts through a parking lot thats half coated in ice at 10pm? No? Didn't think so. You should try it some time. Heh, anyway, we here in the general Portland area have had our first cold front roll in and with it has come fun evenings at work. Seriously though, when your gloved hands try to stick to the bars of the cart corrals in the parking lot you know its cold. When the last five cars in the parking lot are literally creating a cloud of steam so dense that its tough to see through. When you spend five minutes tag teaming the ice thats built up on your windows and mirrors. When you go to open your car door and hear ominous cracking noises when the ice holding it closed snaps. And now they're saying it could be snowing tomorrow morning, the day I have to both go to class at 9 and be at work in the evening. Suddenly i'm doubting my ability to drive. I'm packing on more layers of clothing both to help with the cold and to make sure any accident I get in won't get me as banged up as it should. I must have been crazy to think working the parking lot during winter would be easy. Idiot.

1 comment:

Avi said...

Oohh, sounds like a horrible job! Good luck with the snowy-ness.

I am scared to drive now. It has snowed here at Walla Walla and I have been making my Alaskan friends drive my car since I have no idea how to drive in the snow. (Well, actually most of the time I don't know how to drive period...) *Sigh* I suppose I'll have to learn sometime.