Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Dude, Where's my Ice Skates...?

Ever tried directing 25 shopping carts through a parking lot thats half coated in ice at 10pm? No? Didn't think so. You should try it some time. Heh, anyway, we here in the general Portland area have had our first cold front roll in and with it has come fun evenings at work. Seriously though, when your gloved hands try to stick to the bars of the cart corrals in the parking lot you know its cold. When the last five cars in the parking lot are literally creating a cloud of steam so dense that its tough to see through. When you spend five minutes tag teaming the ice thats built up on your windows and mirrors. When you go to open your car door and hear ominous cracking noises when the ice holding it closed snaps. And now they're saying it could be snowing tomorrow morning, the day I have to both go to class at 9 and be at work in the evening. Suddenly i'm doubting my ability to drive. I'm packing on more layers of clothing both to help with the cold and to make sure any accident I get in won't get me as banged up as it should. I must have been crazy to think working the parking lot during winter would be easy. Idiot.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Life and Death, Take Your Pick...

Wow...21 years. Hard to believe i've lived about a fourth of my life already. I'm now legal in all respects. (yes I tried a drink, no I didn't like it) But as far as birthdays go it was not that spectacular. Years from now when someone asks me what I did for my 21st birthday i'll be able to answer truthfully..."I went to a funeral, thats about it."

The whole funeral thing started on the 6th of November. My great great uncle, who i'd never seen before yet lived in the same general area as myself, died at the ripe old age of 98. He was a man of the church, having filled almost every major roll in the Adventist community during his long life time. A very powerful man and loved by many. We are connected through my dad's parents, my grandmother being the blood relation. Anyway, when it was announced he had died the family began making plans and decided, without my opinion of course, to hold the funeral on the 19th which just happened to be my birthday. My Grandfather was one of the major players in the planning and organization and yet failed to realize his blunder until they arrived in town. They laughed and said they were sorry and asked, more like demanded subtly, that my part of the family attend. My dad was already stuck as a pallbearer so we got dragged along for the ride. Needless to say it was boring but enlightening none the less. I don't want to be in a room with that many old people for a while though. I swear, every lady over 40 in that church had the same basic hairsyle. Adventist old people, all cast out of the same mold. *shudder*

The day ended on a better note. I got to have a movie night with friends and got some pretty nice swag, including a decent amount of cash, most of which was spent yesterday buying myself an iPod mini for a good price at work. The girlfriend found me a WW2 combat knife, a dvd or three were obtained through various sources, a new journal was aquired, a massive miliary history book was also procured, music of the soundtrack type was gotten, and last but not least a new set of bedroom slippers. Not bad at all considering my car was also part of the bargin. It just ended up being an early birthday present. I don't expect much for christmas. ;)

Friday, November 11, 2005

Revenge of the Sibling...

Well its that time of year again. The first of eight days of the year that my brother can stand tall and state proudly that he is four years younger then myself, not the usual five. His reign of slight olderness will end when I turn 21 on the 19th, taking the difference offically back to five years. Ah the joys of brothers. I surprised him after drama practice by picking him up and treating him to a fast food dinner and a $20 shopping spree at Hottopic...which was passed by in favor of Suncoast and the new Batman movie on dvd. Such a fickle boy. Bah...what are little brothers for? Certainly not to make sense.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Wheel Deals...

Well its happened. I am now the proud driver of a 1991 toyota camary. No more rainy bike rides to school or work. No more bumming rides off of friends, at least regularly. And no more relying on parents for day to day transport. Its a nice feeling. I finally have the freedom of wheels and now I've caught a glimpse of why it is people can be so obsessive about their cars. Its not a car to brag about. Its no frills white, no cd player, and its has it share of problems being as old as it is. It does have a V6 under the hood which gives it more umpf then any other car i've driven for any amount of time. But in its own special way its rapidly becoming a smile inducer for me. I'm working on a name for it(yes i'm naming it, no its not a boat, so sue me) and i've already begun customizing the interior. No major expenditures of money, just the basics like new floorpads, rear view mirror danglers of some sort, and seat covers. I'm sure i'll be writing more about it in the coming weeks and months but for now bed is calling. Its been an eventful day and I need sleep.