Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sakura-con 2009

Another Sakura-con has come and gone in one hectic weekend. Sadly we were lacking in the camera department so the wonders and horrors will be relegated to story only.

It was a wonderful con but I didn't visit nearly as many panels as I did last year. There simply weren't as many that really interested me so I ended up spending a good amount of time in the AMV room, in several of the Anime theaters, and of course the Seller's Hall. And what a seller's hall it was. It keeps getting better and better and bigger and bigger each year. Daphne spent her time jumping from booth to booth picking up pieces for her first cosplay costume which will be from the popular webcomic "Girl Genius". I, on the other hand, kept getting drawn back to one particular booth. My brother and I completely geeked out when we found this booth for it was none other then a custom Lego booth. Much time was spent drooling over custom lego bodies and gear and talking up the guy manning the station. And in the end money was spent...but not nearly enough to quench my resurrected thirst for the little plastic toys.

This was my brother's first con and I must say he seemed to enjoy it greatly. I think that he, like Laura and I, would have had even more fun if we'd been cosplaying. We aim to have at least one cosplay outfit for each of us next year. Oh yes...we're already planning for next year. I look forward to it.