Thursday, December 27, 2007

What to do?

What does one do when stuck at a beach house in SoCal in perfect weather? When the waves are just the right size and there's not a cloud in the sky? When the temperature is hovering around 70 with a pleasant breeze and nary a person on the beach?

I'll tell you what you don't do. You don't just sit around reading and blogging and trying to keep from strangling your much younger cousins while your only slightly younger cousin is out on the beach talking dirty to one of a string of girls you've seen him with. You certainly don't wile away the hours walking the beach and wondering how long it would take you to rewarm yourself if you actually got up the nerve to jump into the water. And you most certainly don't look at highly expensive, and taxed, items that you could buy elsewhere much cheaper but kinda want now despite the expense whenever you do manage to be dragged away from the idyllic life at the beach.

No such pasttimes are left to the socially innept who are too iditotic to get out and enjoy life.

Thank God I don't know anyone like that!