Sunday, January 28, 2007

Random Encounter...

The place is pitch black. You fear that any light might wake something you don't want to meet on a night like tonight, so you hold off. It gets colder as you decend the steps...further and further into the pit of blackness. You turn a corner and suddenly the ground underneath you changes. It goes from warm and soft to hard and cold in an instant. You freeze at the sudden change. You know you've reached your objective now. You take the last few steps slowly...cautiously... A sound off to the right startles you. You go still, ears working overtime to identify the sound. And then you hear it. The sound of claws scraping against the cold hard ground. Your eyes go wide and your body tenses. It's getting closer! You know you only have a few seconds before the beast is upon you. Its now or never. Your hand darts out, grabbing the door handle you know is there. You can hear the deep throaty rumble of the beast now. You yank hard. The door opens and light spills out from the area beyond. And then something slides past your leg. The hair on your arms and neck stands upright in fright. You whip around and step out of the small pool of light that spills out of the door...and there before is the beast...



Monday, January 15, 2007

Legendary Demotivation...

Above is an example of a delightful new pasttime I have recently discovered via the weird and wonderful venue that is 4chan. It's called Demotivational Creation and its a blast. When I first began wandering the site I found many of these self made posters that struck my fancy, the above being one them, and I was amazed that they were so well made. They were, in fact, exactly like the real thing. I began to wonder how people made these. Finally my chance came to learn how.

I discovered a thread dedicated to these posters and began reading and refreshing. It wasn't a long thread at the time, maybe 20 pictures long, but it was continually an alarming rate. Wanting to get into the action I asked the question. "How do you make these?" I got lots of "Where you been Noob?" responses but one person was nice enough to answer with a link... I jumped right in and began creating and posting my own. But then work struck and I had to leave it be.

Imagine my surprise when I returned to find the number of pictures on this particular thread had jumped to over 400! People had already begun calling it a legendary thread. I did too after someone made the comment that there were enough of these that you could make a calender out of them and still have a ton left over. The legend would not live on however. Something happened, i'm not sure what, and the thread vanished...completely! People began screaming about it in various new threads and tried to restart the monster but the spark had died. Yet it still lives on in me and I share it with you now. Go forth and create a poster or two. I know you're creative enough and have enough weird pictures on your computers that you could make some pretty good ones. Have fun...and if you like them enough they'll even print them out for you in poster size for a small fee.