Thursday, December 27, 2007

What to do?

What does one do when stuck at a beach house in SoCal in perfect weather? When the waves are just the right size and there's not a cloud in the sky? When the temperature is hovering around 70 with a pleasant breeze and nary a person on the beach?

I'll tell you what you don't do. You don't just sit around reading and blogging and trying to keep from strangling your much younger cousins while your only slightly younger cousin is out on the beach talking dirty to one of a string of girls you've seen him with. You certainly don't wile away the hours walking the beach and wondering how long it would take you to rewarm yourself if you actually got up the nerve to jump into the water. And you most certainly don't look at highly expensive, and taxed, items that you could buy elsewhere much cheaper but kinda want now despite the expense whenever you do manage to be dragged away from the idyllic life at the beach.

No such pasttimes are left to the socially innept who are too iditotic to get out and enjoy life.

Thank God I don't know anyone like that!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

The Picture Says it All...

-Insert whitty comment here-

Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Times They be a Changin...

I'm waving goodbye to alot of things lately. I put in my two week notice at work the other day. I won't be going back to my community college for classes. And i'm moving out of the least during the week. All because i've been accepted at Portland State University. Its a big step up for me since I haven't been to a proper college since freshman year and I haven't lived out of the house since then either. It's all in the name of progress, education, pleasing the soon to be father in law, and, most importantly, pleasing the soon to be wife. Her father has a stipulation that we can't get married until we've lived on our own for six months to a year. Neither of us think he's incredibly serious about it but we're taking it pretty seriously, thus my move. Anyway... my parents and I are rushing about finishing the last minute details before the move which should be done before the group formerly known as Smkrs arrives in Seattle. Fun stuff...

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Answer...

This is why.
Rali. You are, in fact, on fire.
That is why the ninjas fail.
And now you know...and knowing is half the battle.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

And the Nation's IQ Slips a Little More...

I've seen an increase in pro-war and pro-bush bumper stickers in my parking lot over the past month or so. They range from the classic "If you can't stand behind our troops stand in front of them." to the one that set me back on my heels yesterday. "Visualize world peace through military superiority." By itself it was nasty enough, but combined with the four or five other Conservative Militaristic Right stickers it was like a punch to the gut. Apparently, in these people's minds at least, we have to blast the crap out of the rest of the world to achieve world peace. And after that comes democracy and christianity for all...and if you don't like it we'll drive a cruisemissile up your ass. This is what happens when religion, government, radical conservatisim, and undereducated dolts come together in America.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Simple Answer...

Forget making the world "safe for democracy" and "terrorist free". Forget your petty squables and religious differences. Forget the money and the power. The world would do well to wake up each and every day to this single statement...

"If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal."

No matter where you go, who your leader is, or what religion you pretend to follow or not follow, this is one thing we should all be able to agree on.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Parents: 2 - Vala: 0

I fail, they take. I pay out the ass, I get nothing. They demand perfection yet would give nothing if I achieved it. Reason does not move them and my word is as worthless as a fart in a hurricane to them. Their faith in me is shattered. I want to scream at the injustice of it all but I know I'd only be told that I was acting childishly silly and that I should be quiet and live with it. And in a sense it's true. These things matter so little when you consider what other people have to deal with...what the world has to deal with...but I am who I am and this is my life and this matters to me. Damn the score!

Product may contain strong emotions. Large amounts of salt are advised when reading this product.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Serious Blurb About Not Being Serious...

I wonder how long it would take people to react if I posted something disturbingly out there or blatantly offensive here? Maybe it's just the mood i'm in or maybe it's the recent push to "grow up" (i'm looking at you newlyweds) that's causing this but I've begun to feel like continuing this blog is a pointless waste of time. Time that could be better spent partaking in other past times that are pointless wastes of time. It's like everything I enjoy, all my games, stories, friends, etc, have suddenly lost every ounce of pleasure I used to find in them. Pleasure that is being stomped out under the vicious steel-toed boots of life, work, and time. Part of me is saying "It's the natural progression of things. You're 22, you have a woman to marry, school to finish, and a new chapter of life to live. So get on with it."

Then there's another part of me that says "Dammit I'm not done being a kid yet! Don't give me more responsibility! I don't want it! I DON'T WANNA GROW UP!!!"

You know how young kids pretend to be older and more "grown up" then they are? I think I took that too far. I was always the one that sat inside during the lunch hour. I was the one that didn't like team sports. I was the one that all the adults felt was the most responsible of my peer group. Granted part of that is because of my naturally mellow, melancholy nature and part of it is the way my parents brought me up. I played by myself for the most part during my early years, with the exception being one friend that eventually betrayed me in favor of the "cooler" crowd. Even once I found good friends, the three stooges that I'll call the "H" brothers, I only really played on the weekend since none of them went to the same school as me, or were even in the same grade. So my real play time got cut down and condensed to one or maybe two days a week, if I was lucky.

Then I moved here. Everything here seemed so quiet and uptight compared to the casual friendly atmosphere of Hawaii. My grown up face got more and more use. I didn't partake in most of the early and mid teen rowdiness. I stayed off to the side and didn't embarrass myself like the rest of the guys. When I did make good friends here they ended up being girls for the most part. This, of course, meant acting differently then I would with guy friends(for the most part) and learning to have a new kind of fun.

But then, during Freshman year of college, I found my first mainland guy group. It was all guys pretty much all the time. And the best part about it was I got to see and interact with them almost every day. We played games and did guy things and I felt connected like I had with the "H"s but in a much more tightly knit way. I didn't return to the same school second year and I had to leave them behind. Then I found a third group, my current group, at my new school. This group was bigger and more diverse then either of my previous groups. I saw them almost daily and really let my "guy" get some much needed time. But by then I was actually expected to act grown up. I was expected to be an adult and suddenly all that time acting it came back and bit me in the ass. They thought I was already there, that I was mature and ready to move on. When in actuality I was just hitting my stride with my inner kid.

As proof that this bugs me more then I'll probably admit I present my two most common reoccurring dreams. Both deal with returning to my previous group of friends, the "H" brothers and my Freshman year group. Each time I go back as I am now. I see the changes that have taken place in my absence and try to pick up where I left off with my friends. The only problem is that they've gone and moved on without me. They've grown up and I haven't. This actually happened when I last went back to Hawaii. I looked up the "H"s and found that none of them did any of our old things any more. It was a real blow to me. It was proof that you can never return to what you left since what you left will never be the same.

Now look at what i've done. I've gone and spilled my guts, probably forgetting half of what I wanted to say and probably twisting the rest beyond what it used to mean. I should be responsible now and go fill out another job application. I don't want to though. I've been doing that all morning and after what i've just written I don't think i'm in the mood for much of anything. Yeah it's a pity rant. A poor me blurb that finally blew its way out from under my "grown up" top. I doubt this will be reassuring to Ande in any way. I've kept her hanging for five years and it looks like it'll be at least another year before we tie the knot. I know she hates it and I know I hate it too. I just hope she'll understand that her future husband may, at times, disappear to be a kid again.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Better Late Then Never...

I managed to stumble back to my blog somehow without my bookmark link to guide me. (I hardly ever memorize links anymore) What with the loss of my computer I've effectively been cut off from most of my normal internet haunts. But through the judicious use of guessing and half attempts I found my way back to blogger. So without further ado I will launch into my report on Sakura-con 2007! (Yes I can hear your hissing Ande)

Washu and I set out late thursday night, pretty much directly from work, to get up to Seattle early so we could jump in line to get our passes and see the opening of the doors. Compared to Kumori-con Sakura-con was a well oiled machine. Most things started on time, lines formed neatly, and there was plenty of room to spread out. I fear i'll never look at Kumori-con with the same fondness I once did. Anyway, Washu got decked out in her cosplay and we had a grand old time. As it always is the main attraction seemed to be the Exibitors hall with its rows of booths selling every type of anime or manga related item I could think of. Between events Washu's favorite activity was wandering back and forth through the different dealers looking for good deals. I spent less time there, knowing the more time spent there the higher the chance of me spending more money was. So I allowed myself to gravitate towards the game rooms and the AMV room, which happened to be across from each other. And with such a diverse crowd Washu and I couldn't help but just stop and people-watch for a while and with her unique costume my friend ended up attracting alot of attention herself. I ended up having to hold her stuff more often then I could count over the weekend as nerds of both sexes pulled her aside to get a picture.

One of the highlights of the weekend for me was the Q&A forum by Fred Gallagher, the creator of Megatokyo, and the subsequent autrograph signing. My first edition copy of Megatokyo #1 has now been touched and signed by the man himself. Washu hit her high with the Q&A forum for Red vs Blue and the follow up signing by two of the character voices, one of which was the voice of her favorite character, Church.

All together it was a great Con. Granted I took no pictures this time, something I regret terribly now, but the memories will live on vividly. I'd like to thank Avi and her family yet again for allowing the two of us to crash at their place for a night. It was a Godsend after the previous night's long drive and subsequent "street-nap". I look forward to my next visit to Sakura-con. When that will be I have no clue but I hope it's soon.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Random Encounter...

The place is pitch black. You fear that any light might wake something you don't want to meet on a night like tonight, so you hold off. It gets colder as you decend the steps...further and further into the pit of blackness. You turn a corner and suddenly the ground underneath you changes. It goes from warm and soft to hard and cold in an instant. You freeze at the sudden change. You know you've reached your objective now. You take the last few steps slowly...cautiously... A sound off to the right startles you. You go still, ears working overtime to identify the sound. And then you hear it. The sound of claws scraping against the cold hard ground. Your eyes go wide and your body tenses. It's getting closer! You know you only have a few seconds before the beast is upon you. Its now or never. Your hand darts out, grabbing the door handle you know is there. You can hear the deep throaty rumble of the beast now. You yank hard. The door opens and light spills out from the area beyond. And then something slides past your leg. The hair on your arms and neck stands upright in fright. You whip around and step out of the small pool of light that spills out of the door...and there before is the beast...



Monday, January 15, 2007

Legendary Demotivation...

Above is an example of a delightful new pasttime I have recently discovered via the weird and wonderful venue that is 4chan. It's called Demotivational Creation and its a blast. When I first began wandering the site I found many of these self made posters that struck my fancy, the above being one them, and I was amazed that they were so well made. They were, in fact, exactly like the real thing. I began to wonder how people made these. Finally my chance came to learn how.

I discovered a thread dedicated to these posters and began reading and refreshing. It wasn't a long thread at the time, maybe 20 pictures long, but it was continually an alarming rate. Wanting to get into the action I asked the question. "How do you make these?" I got lots of "Where you been Noob?" responses but one person was nice enough to answer with a link... I jumped right in and began creating and posting my own. But then work struck and I had to leave it be.

Imagine my surprise when I returned to find the number of pictures on this particular thread had jumped to over 400! People had already begun calling it a legendary thread. I did too after someone made the comment that there were enough of these that you could make a calender out of them and still have a ton left over. The legend would not live on however. Something happened, i'm not sure what, and the thread vanished...completely! People began screaming about it in various new threads and tried to restart the monster but the spark had died. Yet it still lives on in me and I share it with you now. Go forth and create a poster or two. I know you're creative enough and have enough weird pictures on your computers that you could make some pretty good ones. Have fun...and if you like them enough they'll even print them out for you in poster size for a small fee.