Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I Survived Kumoricon '06...

I don't know how long i'll have this massive Anime Overdose in my system but I will say this...it was worth it. Kumoricon is Portland's Annual Anime Convention; 3 fun filled days of cosplay, games, contests, pocky, more pocky, overpriced stuff, dancing, and general geekiness. Over 4000 people decended on the site in everything from giant Gir heads (yes I got several pictures of that Daphne) to skimpy Sailor Moon leotards and guys in gothic lolita maid costumes. And yes that last one has scarred me for life. ;P There is too much to tell about the experience that i'm not even gonna try until its mostly out of my system. Even now, a full day and a good night sleep later, I can still feel the excitement; The crowd around me, the cosplayers (good and bad) posing for pictures, etc etc. I will attempt a longer post, with pictures hopefully, at a later date but for right now I'll leave you with the feeling of togetherness I still feel in the back of my mind. The fact that you could walk up to just about any complete stranger and start a passionate conversation about something you both love. Knowing that to be possible, simply looking around and seeing it happening all around you...that is a heady feeling.