Sunday, January 22, 2006

To Skate, Perchance to...Fall?

I really should rollerblade more often. I'm not as bad as I always thought I was, yesterday proved it. My church had a social meet at the local roller rink and I pulled my girlfriend along for the ride. We had a grand old time, weaving between slower people, chasing each other. I found myself moving to the music as best I could and making a complete ass out of myself I'm sure. Daphne got mildly high on the cotton candy I got for her too. And no falling, not once! It really was a very enjoyable couple of hours. I highly recommend the joy that comes from skating hand in hand with someone you love. Worth every penny.

Friday, January 13, 2006

There's No Otaku Option...

Avi, I blame you for the time I'm about to waste here. No pass back.

What Are You?
1] Do you have a couch in your front yard or porch? No.
2] Do you drive a four-wheeler? No.
3] Do you ride four-wheelers? No.
4] Do you like to get dirty? Meh.
5] Do you like country music? I avoid it wherever possible
6] Do you have a broken car in your back yard? No.
7] Do you own a cowboy hat? No.
8] Do you live on more then two acres? No.
9] Do you have more then four different animals at your home? Different kinds? No. Only 2 cats.
Total yes: 0/9

1] Do you wear black eyeliner? No.
2] Is most of your clothing dark? Nope, though I do like dark clothing.
3] Do you think about death often? Only at very odd moments
4] Are you a social outcast? Meh, I mingle wherever I need, but yeah.
5] Are you pale? Does Sun Spot mean anything to you?
6] Do you like Hot Topic? Love it!
7] Do you enjoy Tim Burton movies? Er, never seen one actually, at least I don't think I have.
8] Are you mean? Only to my brother.
Total yes: 3/8

1] Can you skateboard? No.
2] Do you wear Vans? No.
3] Do you do stupid stuff with your friends? Stupid to most people yes.
4] Have you gotten in trouble with the Cops? Yes.
5] Do you watch the X-games? I've watched out of bordom but not much.
6] Do you have any piercings? No.
7] Do you like/wear mohawks/fohawks? No, ugh.
8] Have you called someone a poser? No.
Total yes: 2/8

1] Do you say the word "like"? I have been accused of that sin yes.
2] Do you shop at Hollister/Abercrombie & Fitch? No.
3] Do you pop the collar? Huh?
4] Do the people in Hot topic scare you? Heheh, they're funny lookin.
6] Do you watch Laguna Beach? No, I barely watch tv as is.
7] Do you like pop music? Um, I suppose I do.
8] Do you want/have a little dog? No.
9] Do you idolize Paris Hilton? Sleezeball richgirl. No.
Total yes: 2/9

1] Is your hair long? It has been so yes.
2] Do you own a tye-dye shirt? No.
4] Do you want to save the animals? Sure, but only certain types.
5] Do you think war is unnecessary? Generally I'd have to agree.
6] Is love essential in your life? Hmm, girlfriend = yes.
7] Have you smoked pot? No.
8] Do you like classic rock and trippy music? Hell Yeah!
9] Do you wear paisley head-bands? shudder.

Total yes: 5/9

1] Do you act ghetto? hell no.
2] Do you wear do-rags? No.
3] Do you like hip-hop? maybe 2 songs, generally no.
4] Was Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world? Can't spell crap without rap.
5] Do you believe he's alive? He's burnin.
6] Do you like afros?
7] Have you ever said "Fo Shizzle"? Yes, I shudder in memory.
8] Do you like to dance? Yep!

Total yes: 2/8

1] Do you cry often? No.
2] Do you wear hoodies? All the time.
3] Do you like screamo music? Don't think so.
4] Do people not understand you? On occasion but generally I get my point across.
5] Do you write your own songs? I am not musically inclined.
6] Ever dyed your hair red, black or dark? I've wanted to but no.
7] Do you cut your own hair? Not that dumb.
8] Are you lonely? Nope.
9] Is Ohio for lovers? As much as any other regular place.

Total yes: 1/9

1] Do you surf? Yes, or I would if there was a good beach and I had a board.
2] Do you wear flip flops year-round? I would if the weather was better.
3] Is your hair shaggy? It has been but not currently.
4] Do you wake up before six every morning? Thats funny, no.
5] Do you own many pairs of shorts? I can't count em all.
6] Are you tan? Again, sun spot.
7] Do you talk surfer lingo? I can and did.
8] Do you want to be at the beach right now? As long as its a warm Hawaiian one sure.
9] Do you hate tourists? Yes, but I happen to be one quite often.

Total yes: 6/9

1] Do you wear glasses? Not yet.
2] Do you get good grades? Um, sorta...*hangs head* I could do better.
3] Do you use an inhaler? Yes but only rarely.
4] Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets? No.
5] Does your mom pick out your clothes? Only occasionally and only at goodwill.
6] Are you on the computer often? Yep.
7] Do you ever get picked on? Yes.
8] Do you look forward to go to school? Sure, I suppose so. Not for math though.
9] Are you shy around the opposite sex? Nope.
10] Do you like math? BEGONE EVIL SPAWN OF SATAN!!!

Total yes: 4/10

1] Do you look in the mirror a lot? Not a girlyman.
2] Does it take forever to pick something to wear? No.
3] Do you own lots of hair products? No.
4] Is your favourite colour pink/purple? No.
5] Do you "hog" the bathroom? No.
6] Are you afraid to get dirty? I can if I need to but I don't love it. No.
7] Do you flip out when you see a spider? No.
8] Are you on the phone a lot? No.
9] Do you eat like a bird? Walking black hole.
10] Do you hate it when people don't like you? No, I don't like them back, unless they're a friend, then yes.

Total yes: 0/10

Bwahahaha! I'm a Surfer Hippy with a good dose of geek on the side! I'll send you the bill for my time Avi, cash only.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Travel Travel Travel...

Initially I started this post off with two full paragraphs, with more on the way I might add, about missing my girlfriend. But after the second paragraph I began to feel silly. I still miss her and all but putting it in writing, again and to much length I might add, seems un-needed. Daphne knows I miss her. And if she's not convinced she'll learn very quickly when she gets back.

So, leaving it at that, I decided to scrub the first draft and start on something new. It came back to my attention this afternoon as my family sat down to eat lunch, together amazingly enough, that I had a free round trip airfare anywhere Alaska Airline flew to use before summer. I acquired said ticket by being bumped some time ago coming back from california. Having just come back from England and California at that point I wasn't much interested in travel but today I found that the idea of travelling had reasserted itself in my mind, probably due to "D's" current absense.

After a quick check on where Alaska flew I decided I would have to make a choice. I already know I want to travel alone, much like I did in England, and bum it in backpacking hotels or some such place. (unless someone's willing to put up with my travel pace)My three options are Boston, New York City, and DC, all other cities being uninteresting or impractical for travel purposes. I have been to each of them before but yearn to go back still. I know even DC has more to offer then what i've seen. The best thing about those three cities is that they have the public transportation I need to get around seeing as I can't rent a car yet. (I did think of coming out and visiting Wudge in Chicago but dismissed it. Unless of course you can convince me otherwise my dear friend.)

Granted the ideas are still in the most basic of planning stages but I'm sure more will come as time wears on. I'm pretty sure i'll end up going during spring break or something but beyond that there isn't much to tell. Just happy thoughts and ideas. Anyway, enough yakin for now. Classes start this coming monday and I'm looking forward to getting back into action. Cheers.